“Do you have anything stronger than a latte?” Virdia grouses into the growing silence, effectively breaking the tension.
Alastair releases his breath.
Virdia’s fixed up her makeup a bit and her voice is steady, but her eyes remain puffy. Judging by the sympathetic smile that turns up the corners of Oliver's mouth, he knows she’s just been crying.
“Yes!” Olvier nearly cheers.
“No,” insists Lea, at the same time.
Lea and Oliver share a long look with several changing micro expressions that makes Alastair wonder if they also have the ability to communicate telepathically. Lea looks away first, which apparently means Oliver is victorious, since his smile turns twice as bright. He turns and piles drinks onto Lea like her arms are not already overburdened and then races upstairs.
“I’ll go grab it!” he calls, already out of site.