Chapter 043 - Back to My World

But there is one stark difference. It is dark — black smoke is shrouding the entire apartment. It's never been this dark before. Then a creature appears. Long, black hair and white skin… It's Lyrica, but in a monster form! It drags itself towards me, its eyes are blood-red.

"What have you done, you fool!" she screeches.

Then it crawls towards me and, in horror, I see that everything about her is melting and falling off. The beauty that is once hers is slowly dissolving. It is about to touch me when I feel myself being detached from the body I am inhabiting.

I float away as I watch Lyrica going back to my previous body — but it's rejecting her soul.

The doorbell rings and I hear a voice from the door calling my name. "Lyrica? Please…" It sounds like Dave.

Lyrica turns towards me. She is getting uglier as seconds pass. "Who's doing this in my world?!" she asks.