Chapter 067 - My heart still yearns for you

The banquet hall is abuzz with the orchestra's lively melodies. The dancers are in the middle. On the dais in front, the King and Prince sit side-by-side, surveying the proceedings of the regal ball. To the left of them stands the military; to their right, a group of ladies participating in the Queen selection.

Try as I may, I can't help but search for Calais among the military. I stop a smile tugging at my lips when I see him sitting rigidly on a stool, together with the other soldiers.

He's got a darker tan now, no doubt acquired from his post along the kingdom's southern border. It's even more pronounced since he's sitting beside my brother who has a fair complexion.

"He's still as handsome as ever!" the girls beside me squeal.

"And his tan just made him sexier!"

I agree. I think, as I shift my attention to the other Queen participants. I am sure they are referring to my Calais.