Chapter 21: Girl Talk


The moment Marcus stopped feeling himself spilling inside of Bonnie, he carefully pulled out and rolled his weakened body to lay next to her.

“Holy sh*t,” he breathed.


Bonnie’s breathing sounded just as frantic as his own.

Marcus turned his head to gaze at the stunning woman who had just caused him to lose his sight for nearly five seconds. Her cheeks were still their beautiful shade of fuschia and her lips were slightly puffy from all the hungry kisses. But what truly interested Wolfgang was the mark he had left on her lower neck.

His lips curled into the most self-satisfied smile that most of the outside world had never seen. The man couldn’t wait to see how the mark would take shape, what tantalizing colores it would soon display.

‘Now, whenever she looks at it, she’ll remember what we did. She will know that she belongs to me,’ he thought smugly to himself.