Lilith flicked a knife over in her hands, the pale moon hanging over her as she strode toward her target. It was just dumb mugger, the kind that intruded upon the wrong turf at the wrong time and stole from the wrong person.
And, well, Lilith didn’t like it, but in St. Louis Missouri during the 1920s, there was no room for mercy. Her boss laid it out simple for her: kill this idiot, and there will be enough pay to make her way to the west coast.
What she would find there, Lilith didn’t quite know. But it would be nice to go somewhere that didn’t have the sun beating down on her like it had in the formerly wild west.
The night sky roared above her as she made her way down the well-lit road. The city streets were filled to the brim with people of all kinds, but Lilith paid them no mind, nor had she ever bothered to. Humans were nothing, and Lilith was glad to no longer count herself among their number.