The Three Elder Leaders

The three elder leaders, Yu Haixian, Hou Tianba and Fairy Xuan Xueqi were discussing over this year candidates for the Profound Cloud Sect's First Martial Meeting.

Yu Haixian said to Hou Tianba and Fairy Xuan Xueqi, "It seems that we have some exceptional talents for our first ever martial meeting. That Ye Fan seems really good. Did you see his strike?"

He had actually found out his name via the profound tracer that they had placed on him when he had registered as a candidate.

Hou Tianba nodded, "He may be able to become an inner protégé, if he does survive of course."

Then he smiled at Fairy Xuan Xueqi, "So what do you think of him?"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi said nonchalantly as she looked at the battle imageries of Ye Fan who was chatting with Chen Yuyan and Lin Yingxiong, "He is just lucky to have his breakthrough at a time like this. Nothing special about it."

Hou Tianba shook his head, "Junior sister, I'm afraid that you are wrong on this. This means that we don't have to waste our cultivation resources to increase his cultivation realm from the foundation stage to the energy nascent stage. As you know, only 10% of the cultivators are able to overcome this blocker. Usually for our inner protégés, 30% would even fail in this aspect even though they may exhibit great talent in cultivation at the very start."

Yu Haixian nodded, "That is why we have to continuous send them on difficult trials for them to realize their cultivation potential and this Ye Fan can actually breakthrough to the half-step energy nascent level. This is considered to be quite amazing already."

"He isn't the only one that is at the energy nascent level in this trial. There are 19 others too." Fairy Xuan Xueqi coldly said, seemingly uninterested to talk about this Ye Fan.

"And he isn't even the first to reach the end of the first trial too."

Hou Tianba laughed jovially, "It has to do with luck. He is just unlucky to pick a trail that is filled with more dangerous profound beasts. And also, he could have escaped on his own for the Gruesome Predator encounter but he has chosen to save the lives of the other 2 candidates."

The extremely beautiful look of Fairy Xuan Xueqi began to fall slightly backward to her chair behind as though she was laughing from hearing a funny joke.

She hummed coldly, "Luck has to do with everything in cultivation. If he can't be lucky for even the first trial, this shows that his instinct and also luck are both failing. Also, he looks too honest to be a cultivator."

Yu Haixian laughed softly, "Senior Sister Xueqi, you are saying that being honest is also a bad thing?"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi displayed a slight frown, "Don't you know that cultivators are all a ruthless lot? Being honest means that he will be scammed by the others or even be killed by the more ruthless cultivators. If we are not ruthless too, we won't be watching these candidates die one by one in front of us, am I right to say so?"

Yu Haixian smiled weakly, "Even so, this fate is better than being killed by the random high level profound beast that appear every now and then. We can't afford to have any weak cultivators that serve no purpose to be around. Naturally senior sister may not think this way because…"

"I may not think this way because everyone is calling me the Witch Xuan Xueqi instead of the Fairy Xuan Xueqi, am I right?" Fairy Xuan Xueqi snorted lightly as she displayed a nonchalant look.

Hou Tianba chuckled, "Junior brother and sister. There's no need to be so worked out over this. The life and death of a cultivator is just too commonplace. Even I can't say that I won't perish on my breakthrough and I have to accept this as my fate."

Then he become a little solemn, "Junior Sister Xueqi, what do you think of the Myriad Swords Sect? Do you think it is really them that have stolen our Golden Lotus Natal Pill? They are getting more and more outrageous."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi quietly nodded, "Who else can it be? I have exchanged blows with the intruder last night and the cultivation arts that he has displayed are indeed from the Myriad Swords Sect. And there is no reason for the other celestial sects to frame the Myriad Swords Sect since we are already at loggerheads for a long time. Destroying the Thousand Swords Divine Sect is merely teaching them a lesson."

Huo Tianba slowly nodded too, "I am surprised that they didn't attack us openly for the past 3 years."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi sighed softly, "I hate this place. I want to go back to the main sect. If they have dared to attack us, we just may have the excuses to run back to our main sect. But they just don't want to come."

Yu Haixian interrupted with a wryly smile, "Maybe they can't spare a couple of True Origin cultivators to fight us or they fear the Witch Xuan Xueqi's reputation?"

"Are you an idiot?" Fairy Xuan Xueqi hummed coldly to him, "Do you think that a big celestial sect like Myriads Sword Sect will have no lack of cultivation experts? They can simply screw us with a Sage Realm cultivator and we will be forced to run from this place."

Huo Tianba laughed, "They have 3 Sage Realm cultivators while we have 4 Sage Realm cultivators. Maybe they think that this may be a trap to lure them to this place. Or maybe their Sage Realm cultivators just happen to be in seclusion."

"Their celestial sect leader is a Saint Realm cultivator that lives for 3000 years and no less powerful than our celestial sect leader," Fairy Xuan Xueqi pointed it out. "In terms of strength, we are almost on par with each other. That is why we are working on removing their allies first."

Huo Tianba solemnly said, "Junior sister, your cultivation progression is better than mine. You are about to breakthrough to the Sage Realm. Maybe they are just trying to check you out instead and there may be a Sage Realm cultivator that is lurking nearby. So don't you venture alone anymore. We can take the loss of one Golden Lotus Natal Pill anyway."

Yu Haixian nodded too, "Senior sister, you can only hide your cultivation realm when you are a Sage Realm cultivator and a Sage Realm cultivator can easily read your cultivation realm. Until then, you won't be safe from a Sage Realm Cultivator. But as long as the 3 of us are together, we can at least hold off a Sage Realm cultivator for a little while and even escape."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled coldly, "You don't forget to mention that the rest of the proteges here are all our cannon fodders."

Yu Haixian laughed awkwardly before he said, "Haha. The 2 hours are almost up. I should return my attention to the on-going trial first…"


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