The Final Trial (1)

Elder Leader Yu Haixian had just announced, "The 10 minutes is up. The third and final trial starts now. Only 38 testing candidates in total from among you may be selected to be an outer and an inner protégé. So good luck to all 220 of you and may you score as many points as you can…."

The sudden beautiful form of a coyly looking Fairy Xuan Xueqi could be seen returning to her original seat in a nonchalant manner.

Huo Tianba laughed, "Junior Sister Xueqi, you are back so fast? Haha…"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi hummed coldly, "This is the already the final trial. Won't it be such a pity to miss the ruthless killing of this trial?"

Yu Haixian was also laughing, "Senior Sister Xueqi's thirst for blood always amazed me. But is it because you are worried that this Ye Fan won't be selected as an inner protégé?"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi said coldly as her tight bosoms began to heave as well, "Hmph! I am just wondering how this Ye Fan is going to get himself killed in this trial. And also, he has brought a beautiful maiden as his only team. Is he trying to pass his trial or is he courting inside the trial?"

Yu Haixian laughed softly as he stolen a look at Huo Tianba: Fairy Xuan Xueqi is definitely jealous.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi was not mindful of their secret exchanges as she was paying her full attention to the trial, especially the battle imagery where Ye Fan was.

Actually, she had actually seen Ye Fan several times during the past 3 years and saw that he looked like a fine looking and reliable outer court protégé every time that she had walked past him.

Without fail, Ye Fan would stop everything in his tracks every time to ogle at her.

Over time, she could not help but noticed him as well.

Ye Fan had that type of an honest look and he looked naïve as well.

Although she did not know his name for the 3 past years, she had remembered him in her heart; it seemed to her that he had the most utmost adulation for her as his bright eyes would beam and follow her.

The reason why she did not know his name was because she was one of the elder leaders of this branch of the Profound Cloud Sect and it was beneath her station to ask for the name of a mere outer court protégé.

A chance meeting last night however broke this barrier and finally Xuan Xueqi was finally aware that his name was Ye Fan.

She had thought that it was a pity with his heaven-step foundation stage to be just an outer court protégé and that was why she had given him a last minute invitation card to join the Profound Cloud Sect's first ever martial meeting.

Usually, a martial meeting to recruit new protégés would be held only once every 3 to 5 years, depending on the celestial sect ability to absorb new protégés and also depending on the cultivation talents that could be available.

The Profound Cloud Sect was at war with the Myriad Swords Sect and it was short of protégés for the front lines.

So, an order was passed down from the Main Profound Cloud Sect to have this branch to hold its first ever first martial meeting as well as to give the local martial artist a hope of becoming a true cultivator.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi hummed coldly, "This Ye Fan will surely fail in this trial. Taking this maiden is like a liability to him. Also, he has such poor taste."

When she had said this, Yu Haixian and Huo Tianba did not know whether to laugh or cry.

They could only say, "Yes, yes…"




The final trial had now started and the profound barrier had now been removed.

There were 110 candidates from each side and they would all be killing each other.

As Ye Fan moved out with Chen Yuyan, there were about 30 candidates that did not dare to move out of the safe area; it was because they were really afraid of getting killed inside the forest and they were mostly the bronze badge candidates.

"Follow me tightly," Ye Fan said to Chen Yuyan.

Chen Yuyan nodded but her face was pale from nervousness and moreover she was still injured from the last trial so she was even more afraid.

Ye Fan moved quickly into the forest with Chen Yuyan following him.

It was not just quick but rapid.

Chen Yuyan was afraid as she said panicky, "Brother Ye Fan, wait! Aren't we moving too fast and without any support?"

Ye Fan whispered to her, "At the start of this trial, everyone will be moving cautiously so they won't be able to cover much ground. That is precisely why we have to go ahead first to occupy a good position. Then only will we have the chance for an attack."

Chen Yuyan did not understand Ye Fan's logic but she trusted Ye Fan, so she nodded as she quickly followed him.

Very soon, Ye Fan went to a higher point to a small hill with tall trees.

Then he said to Chen Yuyan, "Sister Yuyan, are you able to climb up to this tree?"

Chen Yuyan shook her head, "It is too tall for me…"

Ye Fan said quietly, "There is no time to lose. Come. Let me help you."

Chen Yuyan nodded but she was soon gasping; it was because Ye Fan had grabbed her butt and put her on his strong shoulder, before he lifted her up while still holding onto her waist.

This caused Chen Yuyan to be flustered as she climbed up to the tree top in her short skirt, exposing her panties to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan pretended not to see her pink panties and instead he climbed up to the tree in a blink of an eye.

He then said to her, "Wait here, Sister Yuyan and do not make a sound no matter what."

Chen Yuyan was still flushing as she nodded lightly and she really did not even dare to make a single sound.