Fairy Xuan Xueqi's mesmerzing smiles


The corpse of the Swine King Boar was quickly divided by Ye Fan, Mei Yinxuan and Chen Yuyan. 

Fan De did not try help in the distribution of the Swine King Boar as he was injured but he was given his fair share.

But because there were actually too much booties from this Swine King Boar, Ye Fan had also given Huangfu Ming and Ouyang Nana with some of the distributions.

Only Fairy Xuan Xueqi did not receive anything but she would not care for this anyway. 

Once it was all done, the 7 of them set off immediately as they had been delayed long enough.

Mei Yinxuan said as they set off together, "It is good that we have found our group quickly. Now we can finally set off together."

Ouyang Nana smiled, "That's right. We are pretty lucky that everyone is just nearby."

Ye Fan could not resist asking Fairy Xuan Xueqi, "Where are we going?"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled wryly as she pointed at the purple mountains range that were sketching endlessly and could be seen beyond the outline of the forest, "The real trial lies beyond these purple mountains."

When she had said so, the rest of the group were all blinking at eyes with dumbfounded looks.

All 6 of them; Ye Fan, Fan De, Mei Yinxuan, Chen Yuyan, Ouyang Nana and Huangfu Ming had actually never been to the Undermountain Trial at all and therefore they did not know their way. 

Fairy Xuan Xueqi merely smiled when she saw their dumbfounded looks and know instantly what they were thinking; she was like them before.

Ye Fan asked, speaking the thoughts of the group. "There is no way that we can even cross the mountains in 7 days. Although it may seem near and short at where we are standing but these mountains are higher than we can even imagine when we are closer."

When he had said that, Chen Yuyan, Ouyang Nana and Mei Yinxuan were all nodding in agreement. 

As for Fan De and Huangfu Ming, even though they agreed with what Ye Fan had said but they did not display any emotions.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled, "We are not climbing the mountains but we are actually going through it."

When she had said this, there were startled looks from everyone.

She explained with a wry smile, "There are hundreds of caves and tunnel at the base of these purple mountains. That is how we are going to get across the mountains."

When she had explained it, everyone finally had a look of realization.

Ye Fan muttered, "Thanks… protégé mistress…"

He had suddenly halted himself as he had suddenly realized that he had unwittingly thanked the Witch Xuan Xueqi for her explanations.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi noticed it too and she displayed a faint smile as she looked at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan saw her faint smile and there was a sudden electrifying shiver down his spine and he was startled. 

What is it that he is now experiencing? 

Is it fear or something else?

But he somehow seemed to enjoy this feeling when he was being gazed upon by the golden eyes of the Witch Xuan Xueqi…

Fairy Xuan Xueqi's eyes were not always golden.

When a cultivator has reached the 5th cultivation realm, they will become a golden celestial and their bony skeleton will be condensed into golden skeleton which is 10 times as hard as before. 

At this point, they will also awaken their golden core fully and their eyes will also become golden in color. 

The cultivators usually call this cultivation realm the realization of the cultivation golden body. 

It is also at this cultivation realm that the cultivators no longer require any food or water to sustain them and will no longer age anymore. 

Also, they will have supreme regeneration ability. In fact, such is the supremacy of their regeneration ability that they can even regenerate lost limbs and organs. 

It is extremely hard to kill a cultivation of the 5th cultivation realm True Origin level such as Fairy Xuan Xueqi. 

And of course, golden celestials have an extremely long life span too, 10 times as long as a 4th realm cultivator. 

One can also imagine the great disparity between a 4th and a 5th cultivation realm cultivator.

Most low level cultivators will try to strive for the easier 4th realm cultivation at the very least because at this cultivation realm, they will age 10 times slower than the 1st to the 3rd realm cultivation and they will also gain 4 times the usual life span of the mortal cultivators.

The 4th realm cultivation is also when the cultivators first formed their golden core and hence this cultivation realm is also called the Golden Core level.

Most of the cultivators that have the cultivation resources will be able to form their golden cores eventually but in order to fully awaken their golden cores to become a golden celestial, this is another matter entirely.

For this, they need their lucky occurrences, expensive cultivation resources and plenty of luck; it is because they will surely die if they fail to breakthrough to become a golden celestial. And only roughly 10% of the 4th realm cultivators will succeed. 

For Ye Fan, he actually has the potential of becoming a golden celestial as he had taken the Golden Lotus Natal Pill, which was an extremely precious profound pill. 

But whether he could succeed or not to become a golden celestial is another matter. It is still a matter of luck and willpower.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi was actually smiling alluringly as she said to everyone, "There will be many 100, 500, 1000 and even 10 000 spirit flora here for you to pluck. Don't worry about plucking them as the time here passed differently and it is 1000 times faster in this place. Those spirit flora that are younger than 100 year old, you ought to leave them alone for the next trial."

Ye Fan and the rest were startled when they saw her alluringly smiles all of a sudden; they had never seen Fairy Xuan Xueqi displaying such a beautiful look before and they were quite mesmerized by her. 

Although Mei Yinxuan, Chen Yuyan and Ouyang Nana were all maidens but they could not help being mesmerized by Fairy Xuan Xueqi. 

For men like Fan De and Huangfu Ming, it was even worse; they were completely mesmerized by her alluring smiles and alluring peerless countenance. 

It was no wonder that Xuan Xueqi was given the celestial title of Fairy. 

The reason that Fairy Xuan Xueqi was smiling so alluringly was because Ye Fan had thanked her earlier and also because she had noticed that he was looking at her differently this time.

As she smiled alluringly to everyone, she was also thinking of that night when she had kissed Ye Fan in her drunken state…