The Hunter and the Hunted

Young Master Xi Wugui was now grinning to Fairy Xuan Xueqi, "It seems that we did not find the ones that we are looking for but we have found Fairy Xuan Xueqi instead. So, are you lost? Do you want to be in our company?"

Young Master Xi Wugui, Elder Su Yiba and many of the cultivators also had a frivolous look when they were looking at Fairy Xuan Xueqi.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi coldly said, "No thanks. Out of my way please."

Young Master Xi Wugui was not about to let Fairy Xuan Xueqi go just like this. Even his original goal of finding the killers of Elder Yan Daxia was not as important as obtaining Fairy Xuan Xueqi for himself.

"What the hurry?" Young Master Xi Wugui laughed as he blocked Fairy Xuan Xueqi from leaving.

Ye Fan said coldly from behind Fairy Xuan Xueqi to Young Master Xi Wugui, "Just now you seem to be in a hurry to go elsewhere so why don't you be on your way now? We are also in a hurry as well."

Young Master Xi Wugui had suddenly spat loudly, "You are merely a lowly 2nd realm cultivator. Is this the way you are addressing a golden celestial? Have you lived long enough?"

Once a cultivator is able to reach the 5th realm golden celestial cultivation, they are considered to be the true cultivator of the world and the elites. 

Their reflexes and bodily strength are also far superior to the 4th realm cultivator by a large disparity. It is not exaggerating to say that 1 5th realm cultivator can even fight 10 4th realm cultivator and can even survive the battle with ease.

Unlike the 4th realm cultivators and lower realm cultivators, golden celestials are able to regenerate even their wounds with the visible eyes. 

It is also at the 5th realm cultivation that their eyes will turn golden and even their blood will be golden instead of red.

Not only that, even their skeleton will also turn golden hence the reason why they are called golden celestials. 

Golden celestials are lofty cultivators and many are arrogant toward the lower realm cultivators; Many of them feel that they have the right because they are deserving the blessed sons and daughters of the heavens. 

The golden celestials that are the 6th and the 7th realm cultivations are even more lofty and powerful, able to kill a cultivator like Ye Fan with a flicker of their fingers.

Young Master Zheng Tianwu shouted at Ye Fan after Young Master Xi Wugui had just rebuked Ye Fan, "This is the conversation between two golden celestials and your elder. Who gives you the right to speak in the first place?!"

Although Young Master Zheng Tianwu was only a 4th realm cultivator but he was being accompanied by his Elder Su Yiba who was a golden celestial of the 5th realm cultivation. 

Moreover, Young Master Zheng Tianwu had a prestigious status in the Morjinn Martial Sect as the scion of the ruling clan. Also, sooner or later, he would have the potential to become a golden celestial given the vast cultivation resources of the Morjinn Martial Sect.

That was also the reason why Young Master Xi Wugui from Divine Mist Peak was willing to befriend him like a close brother.

And that was also the reason why their two celestial sects had been so cordial and even formed a secret alliance against the other celestial sects of the Aegean Alliance.

Ye Fan was quiet; indeed, he had overstepped his boundary and he did not have the right to talk to a golden celestial in this manner. 

In the cultivation world, a golden celestial is like the Master while the lower realm cultivators are merely servants with no rights.

That is the reason why there are so many cultivators that will kill the other cultivators just to have a share of the cultivation resources or even the right to become an inner protégé.

It is the survival of the strongest in the brutal world of cultivation.

The weak has no right and only the strong has all the rights.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi had suddenly displayed her heaven-step divine sword as she said coldly, "Only I have the right to rebuke my own protégé. None of you have the right and none of you have the right to silence him."

Ye Fan was quite startled when the Witch Xuan Xueqi had suddenly declared loudly in his defense and she had even rebuked Young Master Xi Wugui and Young Master Zheng Tianwu at the same time too.

Young Master Xi Wugui was smiling instead; it was because he had been looking for an excuse to retain Fairy Xuan Xueqi and to make her submit to him, whether by force or by persuasion. 

And he seemed to have found a way now.

So he grinned, "If Fairy Xuan is willing to accompany me for a day then I shall spare your protégé. But if you don't, don't blame me for taking his life!"

He actually did not have the intention for Fairy Xuan Xueqi to accompany him for just a day. This was only a ruse to bait her and to make her think that it was merely a day but it was actually a bottomless hole.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi hummed coldly, "I am actually not free and if you want to hurt my protégé, then don't blame me for raising my sword against you."

Young Master Xi Wugui laughed jovially at this threat as he raised his fingers into a gesture, "Take down this protégé!"

When he had said that, except for Young Master Zheng Tianwu and Elder Su Yiba, the rest of the cultivators had raised their swords and they were all staring murderously at Ye Fan.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi raised her sword to swing against Young Master Xi Wugui to fend him off.

But this was actually just a feint and she had turned around to grab Ye Fan on his wrist, "Run!"

With that, the two of them had quickly flee into the forest! 

Young Master Xi Wugui quickly shouted aloud to his group, "Pursue them and don't let them get away!"

As he said that, he had locked eyes with Young Master Zheng Tianwu and the two of them were smiling lecherously together; they were actually in cahoots together to obtain the beautiful maidens of the Aegean Alliance in this trial with their despicable means. 

So they are not going to let a peerless great beauty like Fairy Xuan Xueqi escapes just like this. 

And with Elder Yan Daxia and his Lineart Sword Sect out of the picture, they were only too glad.


Author Note:

1. Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi are on the run again xD