The Celestial-step Unorthodox Cultivation

It took Ye Fan several days of careful nursing Fairy Xuan Xueqi to bring her back again; her internal injuries were really too severe. 

"I am not dead yet?" It was the first thing that Fairy Xuan Xueqi had said to him when she opened her eyes once again.

Ye Fan solemnly said to her, "Protégé mistress, I won't let you die on me."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi looked tenderly at Ye Fan, "Perhaps it is better that I died. I am just a burden to you…"

"Mama, you won't die!" Little Xuan Xuefeng cried as she hugged her mama. 

Fairy Xuan Xueqi gently patted Little Xuan Xuefeng, "Then be a good girl, alright? Then Mama won't leave you."

Little Xuan Xuefeng sobbed, "Mama, I will always be a good girl. Just don't leave me. I won't be playful again. I won't eat Papa things again. Huhuhu…."

She then pointed at a white rabbit that she was carrying and showed it to Fairy Xuan Xueqi, "Mama, look! This rabbit is so adorable but Papa wants to eat it. Why eat cute little rabbit? Rabbit is so adorable!" 

Ye Fan said weakly to Fairy Xuan Xueqi, "Don't listen to her. I've caught two and she had eaten one on her own…"

Little Xuan Xuefeng protested immediately, "Rabbit is so adorable. Why eat adorable rabbit. Huhuhu…"

Although she was saying that but she was actually hungrily looking at the white rabbit in her arms. In fact, the rabbits in the Abyssal Chasm of Death were her favorite food. 

Fairy Xuan Xueqi patted her small head gently, "It is alright. If you are hungry, just eat it. You need to grow your body too."

She knows that Little Xuan Xuefeng actually intended to eat the adorable rabbit as she can't control her appetite since she is actually a god beast child.

Ye Fan felt a little guilty when he was looking at Fairy Xuan Xueqi; it was because he had actually read the celestial portion of the Omnipotent Immortal Force. 

When his protégé mistress had suddenly coughed out golden blood an was unconscious, Ye Fan was panicky and he tried to revive her.

But his profound strength was simply not enough. 

He cursed himself for being so weak. 

Then he had suddenly thought of the celestial portion of the Omnipotent Immortal Force that may be able to help him; he could increase his profound strength rapidly by practicing it and that was one way to increase his profound strength without increasing his cultivation realm.

So he wasted no time in taking out the cultivation slip as he displayed his divine sense into the cultivation slip, hoping to decipher as much as possible with his current cultivation.

The unorthodox portion of the Omnipotent Immortal Force was more intricate and more profound than the orthodox portion of the Omnipotent Immortal Force.

As Ye Fan had previously studied and cultivated the orthodox portion of the Omnipotent Immortal Force for 3 months, his divine sense was able to make sense of some of the unorthodox portions with this current cultivation realm.

Cultivation slips are not like books and were not direct. In fact, the understanding of the cultivation slips will increase as the cultivation realm increases. And original cultivation slips were extremely precious because the copied ones are based on the current understanding of the cultivators.

And this Omnipotent Immortal Force cultivation slip is an original cultivation slip. But as an original cultivation slip, it also has a weakness; there are no cultivation remnants that were left behind by any cultivation masters

Therefore, Ye Fan had to delve mostly by himself, based on his understanding.

The first thing that Ye Fan was able to discovered from the unorthodox Omnipotent Immortal Force was the Dual Cultivation methods that were described there. 

Ye Fan did not want to study or cultivate any dual cultivation methods but he forced his divine sense to continue to cultivate the mysteries of the unorthodox portion first until he could find another more suitable cultivation method in the cultivation oceans of the unorthodox Omnipotent Immortal Force.

Unfortunately, unless he began the cultivation of the dual cultivation of the unorthodox Omnipotent Immortal Force, he found out that he was unable to proceed further.

Just as Ye Fan was sighing that he had no other choice, he had a suddenly inspiration.

If the dual cultivation is about absorbing the essence especially the yin essence of the opposite partner, it is also possible for him to absorb the toxins of the purple desolate mists into his body. In this free, then he would be able to free his protégé mistress of her agonies.

Therefore, he started to look for the cultivation methods that pertaining to aura assimilation and ways to apply his profound strength more effectively to absorb the yin essence of his targets.

 Although his methods were crude but he managed to increase his profound strength and had indeed found a method to absorb some of the toxins from Fairy Xuan Xueqi's body without violating her.

He was also careful not to absorb too much of her toxins as he could not be able to purge them from his body and he lacked a golden body too.

Although he could only absorb just a little but he was able to alleviate Fairy Xuan Xueqi's pains. 

Now Ye Fan was also quite smart and he had also studied basic medicine in the past.

So he absorbed the toxins from her organs rather than absorbing randomly; it was because his protégé mistress is a golden celestial and with her organs stronger, she is able to suppress the toxins further. 

That was how he had managed to revive Fairy Xuan Xueqi after 3 days.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi said tenderly to Little Xuan Xuefeng, "Go and play outside but don't go too far. Stay at the entrance of the cave at all times."

"Yes Mama!" Little Xuan Xuefeng was delighted that she was able to play so she ran off immediately. 

After that Fairy Xuan Xueqi said woefully to Ye Fan. "You… did practice the other portions of the Omnipotent Immortal Force, am I right? Or else I won't be alive."

Ye Fan was startled that his protégé mistress had discovered it and he nodded solemnly, "I didn't want my protégé mistress to die. But I swear that I am not going to practice any of the dual cultivation methods. I didn't violate my protégé mistress or take any advantage from you while you are unconscious."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi said melancholy, "Ye Fan, I don't blame you. I blame myself for forcing you to walk the unorthodox path. I deserve to die…"

Ye Fan immediately halted her as he said firmly, "Protégé mistress! Ye Fan won't be standing here today if it isn't for you! Please don't say that!"

When Ye Fan had said that, Fairy Xuan Xueqi began to look forlorn at Ye Fan and Ye Fan found himself looking at the beautiful look of Fairy Xuan Xueqi as well…

Just like that, the two of them just stared at each other for a long time and they did not exchange any words. 


Author Note:

1. I'll try not to write too tragic like in A Martial Odyssey and The Romantic Cultivator.