Back to the Ancient Desolate Black Mountains

Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi were finally freed from the Undermountain Trials now.

They found themselves in an unknown location of the vast Ancient Desolate Black Mountains.

And of course, there was also Little Xuefeng too who was shouting excitingly, "Woah! The spiritual aura in these mountains is so much richer than the place where we were previously!"

Little Xuefeng is a Divine God Beast's child so she cultivates the spiritual force energies rather than the desolate force energies. 

A Desolate God Beast would be the one that cultivates the desolate force energies instead. 

Ye Fan asked Fairy Xuan Xueqi, "Xueqi, do you want to go back to the Profound Cloud Sect to take a look? Aren't you curious to know what has since happened 100 years ago?"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi shook her head lightly, "Ye Fan. I am but a burden to my cultivation sect now. If I return, they may think that they are using their vast cultivation resources just to prolong my useless life. So, I rather not return."

Ye Fan was startled, "Surely not, right? We are not returning to the minor branch of the Profound Cloud Sect where we last parted. I mean the main branch of the Profound Cloud Sect. Surely they have numerous cultivation resources, right?"

"It is the same," Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled faintly. "The Cloud Profound Sect is nothing compared to the top 3 cultivation sects of the Aegean Alliance."

Ye Fan said, "But…"

"I know that you want to cure me," Fairy Xuan Xueqi gently interrupted him. "I really appreciate this. But do you know that the more favors that we take from the cultivation sect, one day, we are expecting to return it as well? Moreover…"

She was suddenly flushing coyly, "In the cultivation sect, we won't have much freedom to be together. And… what are you going to tell the Profound Cloud Sect about our relationship? We will be branded as unorthodox cultivators for having a master-disciple relationship. Is that what you want to reveal? Then we will even be witch-hunted by them or even be imprisoned. Instead of finding a cure for me, you will probably end up with nothing."

Ye Fan had suddenly realized that Fairy Xuan Xueqi was right. 

Actually, he had not thought this far as he was constantly trying to cultivate for the past few days. 

Their relationship was too sudden and it was hard for the others to accept their forbidden relationship; it was because they were both orthodox cultivators and this sort of thing was actually frowned upon. 

But Ye Fan could not help cursing softly, "What is orthodox and what is unorthodox? Some of the orthodox cultivators like that Young Master Xi Wugui is nothing more than a wolf in sheep clothing. He is worse than any unorthodox cultivators and in fact, he is nothing but a heretic cultivator!"

The reason why Ye Fan had said this was because he had remembered how Young Master Xi Wugui and his group had killed the cultivators from the same Aegean Alliance and even violated the maidens that were taking the trial as well.

This was downright despicable.

And he had even tried to attack Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi too so that he could seize Fairy Xuan Xueqi for himself.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi seemed to be aware of what he was thinking and said quietly, "I know that you want to expose Young Master Xi Wugui, Young Master Zheng Tianwu and their evils but no one from the Profound Cloud Sect will dare to offend the Morjinn Martial Sect, the Lineart Sword Sect and the Divine Mist Peak. Moreover, we have no proof too. But so what if we have the proof? They can always find a way to discredit our proof and silence the witnesses. It will do the maidens more harm than good. It is better for them to be alive than dead. The only way for you to do is to be stronger than them and then you shall be the sword of justice instead."

Ye Fan slowly nodded, "Alright then…"

"Or you want to visit the Profound Cloud Sect because you miss your Little Aunt Ouyang Nana or your little protégé sister Chen Yuyan?" Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled at him. "Or your Senior Sister Mei Yinxuan?" 

Ye Fan panicky said, "Of course not!" 

Fairy Xuan Xueqi laughed softly, "I am only teasing you…"

Ye Fan looked a little awkward; actually he was quite curious to know what happened to the protégés that had come with them for the Undermountain Trials. He was quite curiously to know if they have managed to survive the trial and the current status of their situation.

This did not mean that he was missing his Little Aunt Ouyang Nana or his Junior Sister Chen Yuyan at all. 

Or even his Senior Sister Mei Yinxuan.

Little Xuefeng had suddenly spotted a rabbit in a grassy hole and she had quickly caught it. 

One may think that Little Xuefeng may only look like 4 year old girl but her agility is simply astonishing. 

When she had caught it, she began to dance with great delight. "Little bunnies are so cute, why eat them… Little bunnies are so cute, I don't want to eat them…"

When Ye Fan had heard her, he began to look sheepishly at Fairy Xuan Xueqi. "I wonder what she will eat when she grows up?"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi chuckled softly and her jovially laughter was extremely mesmerizing and this caused Ye Fan to stare at her for quite some time, forgetting about Little Xuefeng who had already gobbled up the first rabbit and catching a second rabbit, pretending that it was still the first rabbit that was in her arms. 


Author Note:

1. Please help to drop a review if you like the story! Thank you for your kind support =)

2. Thanks to the all supporters that drop your power stones for making the story happens. Love you all! Greatly appreciate all of you!