Renting a Cultivation Chamber

The heavenly phenomenon soon shook the entire city of Anthryl and many of the cultivators that were well versed in divinations were able to foretell that a Dao Fruit would be descending in a week's time. 

Almost immediately, numerous messages were sent by the cultivators to their respective cultivation sects to inform them of this news.

It was not just the cultivation sects of the Holy Alliance that was able to receive this earth-shaking news but the other cultivation alliances as well as they also had numerous spies in Anthryl.

Moreover, as this heavenly phenomenon extended for hundreds of miles, it could actually be seen by many more cities and cultivation sects. Therefore, the earth-shaking news of a Dao Fruit spread even faster than one could ever imagine.

It was not exaggerating to say that all the cultivation sects in the Dragontooth Continent had all heard about this.

Many cultivation sects, including the distant cultivation alliances were immediately sending their best cultivation experts via flying mounts and profound ships to the free trading city of Anthryl.

There are 7 powerful cultivation alliances and 13 smaller cultivation alliances in the Dragontooth Continent. 

The Holy Alliance is 1 of the 7 powerful cultivation alliances. 

In a week's time, cultivation sects from these 20 cultivation alliances with the means of reaching the City of Anthryl speedily would all be camping here and fighting against each other.

All for a cultivation Dao Fruit that would grant them the potential to become a great saint or saintess. Possibly even to become a 8th realm half-immortal cultivator or to ascend as an immortal to the immortal realm. 

In this aspect, even the cultivators from the same cultivation alliances would also be quite hostile to each other. 

It was not exaggerating to say that this was an important celestial event similar to a descend of a powerful an immortal or a saintly divine sword from the heavens. 

This event is going to be extremely bloody event and a blood bath would almost be ensured. 

The purpose of cultivation is to become an immortal and for that, the cultivators would be rather quite ruthless. 

In the free trading City of Anthryl.

Inside a cultivation guild.

Two female attendants were chatting jovially with each other at the reception bench of the entrance. 

The female attendant on the left was laughing jovially to the other, "You know. It is just such an envious thing to see all these cultivators that are able to cultivate to such a high realm of cultivation."

The second female attendant giggled softly, "It is so unfortunately for the two of us. Even though we have the spiritual roots to grow our inner spiritual sea but we are unable to coalesced our inner spiritual sea into the spiritual cultivation core. Because of this, we are unable to advance beyond the third realm cultivation. Maybe if we can obtain the Dao Fruit, we may be able to become a saintess one day. Hehe…"

The other female attendant was also giggling softly when Ye Fan, Fairy Xuan Xuefeng and Little Xuefeng had entered the cultivation guild.

Ye Fan immediately said to the two female attendants, "I'd like to have two cultivation practice chambers. What is the rate?"

The two female attendants were immediately gasping softly when they saw Ye Fan; it was not only because he was so handsome looking but he was also a golden celestial.

As for Fairy Xuan Xuefeng, she was donning a straw hat with a curtain veil so it was impossible to see her clearly but they could tell that she must be an extremely beautiful maiden.

The first female attendant immediately answered Ye Fan, "We have the bronze, silver and the gold practice chamber here. The spiritual force energies in each of the cultivation chamber are naturally at a different strength too…"

"Mm, what is the cost for renting a gold practice chamber?" Ye Fan interrupted them.

The second attendant immediately seized to reply Ye Fan, "Your Celestial, that will be 1000 low grade spirit stones a day."

Ye Fan nodded as he took out a bag of spirit stones, "I want two of the gold cultivation practice chambers for the next 7 days."

The second attendant could not help but marveled at this rich patron, "Your Celestial, you are indeed generous. May we know your name so that we can record it? And your cultivation sect?"

Ye Fan said quietly, "You can call me Ye Fan. As for my cultivation sect, I am afraid that it won't be necessary for me to tell you, am I right?"

The second attendant smiled weakly, "This is the rule, Celestial Ye Fan…."

"It is alright. Let them register." 

All of a sudden Celestial Mei Xiaoruan had entered the cultivation guild and she was shyly looking at Ye Fan, "This Celestial Ye Fan is a friend of mine and the Holy Alliance has already run a background check on him."

The second attendant was immediately smiling, "It is Celestial Mei. We didn't know that they are your friends. Hehe… alright then."

Ye Fan was quite startled to see Celestial Mei Xiaoruan in this place. 

He quickly raised his hands to say respectfully, "Celestial Mei, thank you for your aid."

Celestial Mei Xiaoruan smiled, "Senior, you are too polite."

Ye Fan felt a little awkward as everyone could tell that he was merely a half-step golden celestial while Celestial Mei Xiaoruan was a golden celestial. 

To address him as a senior, sounded really wrong.

In the cultivation sect, a cultivator's cultivation realm marks their seniority and not because he is the first to join the cultivation sect. 

Moreover, Ye Fan was never an elder in the first place while this Celestial Mei Xiaoruan was a real elder.

But of course, this respect may be toward Fairy Xian Xueqi instead of Ye Fan.

Celestial Mei Xiaoruan asked respectfully, "I wonder if both seniors are going for the Dao Fruit and hence, you are in urgent need to do some cultivations?"

Ye Fan answered her frankly, "Indeed we are."

Celestial Mei Xiaoruan nodded slowly before purposely revealed, "Our Holy Saintess will be sending her representatives to this city soon. There will be several saints and saintesses coming from the Profound Cloud Sect soon."

Ye Fan was startled.

The Profound Cloud Sect will be their lofty cultivators to this city soon?

Ye Fan was actually very smart and he knows that Celestial Mei Xiaoruan was actually telling him and Fairy Xuan Xueqi this information on purpose as to warn them.

Somehow Ye Fan felt that he could trust her. After all, this Celestial Mei Xiaoruan had been waiting for him to appear for several hundreds of years.

"Thank you." Ye Fan could not express the gratitude that was from his heart enough.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi was smiling, "Thank you, Celestial Mei."

"I've got to go now." With that, Celestial Mei Xiaoruan had departed from the cultivation hall.

The first female attendant smiled to Ye Fan, "So, shall we take the two of you to your respective cultivation practice chamber?"

Ye Fan took out a small pouch of spirit stones and put it on the counter, "This is the food and water expenses for our child here. She will be in the second cultivation chamber. Buy plenty of food for her as she is always hungry. These spirit stones in this pouch will be more than enough for the two of you. Buy her enough food to feed 3 adults, 3 time a day. It is alright to buy in excessive but she must not go hungry."

This request startled the two female attendants.

This Celestial Ye Fan is going to leave a child alone inside a cultivation chamber?

And there will be two people in the same cultivation chamber? Are they dual cultivating or something?

After Ye Fan had discussed with Fairy Xuan Xueqi, they had decided that it was safer to put Little Xuefeng in a cultivation chamber instead. 

Ye Fan reminded the two female attendants, "You must not let my child out of the cultivation chamber until we have finished with our cultivation."

Little Xuefeng began to cry, "Wuwuwu. I will be alone for 1 week…"

Ye Fan patted her head, "But you will have plenty of delicious food and you can play without adult's supervision for a week."

When Little Xuefeng had heard Ye Fan, she was immediately delighted. "I love to play with my cute bunny."