The Profound Burning Heavens Sword

Ye Fan said to Fairy Xuan Xueqi, "Xueqi, let's go."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi had suddenly halted him, "Wait Ye Fan."

Ye Fan: ???

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled as she displayed her sword, "Ye Fan, since you have now mastered the Six Auras Swords, it is time for me to impart my Profound Burning Heavens Swords to you. So watch me."

Ye Fan panicky said, "Xueqi, maybe later. You ought not to exert your profound strength."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi firmly said as she displayed her profound aura, "I will be fine."

All of a sudden there were 36 blue lights that were on her and these blue lights were the meridian points of the Profound Burning Heavens Swords.

The reason why Ye Fan could see these blue lights were because Fairy Xuan Xueqi had purposely displayed it to him to show it to him.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi said quietly, "The Profound Burning Heavens Sword consists of a total of 7 levels. The first six levels won't be difficult for you but the seventh level will require you to condense the 6 swords of the Profound Burning Heavens Sword into a powerful profound sword. I am afraid that given my profound strength, I won't be able to demonstrate to you."

"Ye Fan, watch me."

All of a sudden Fairy Xuan Xueqi had displayed a powerful blue profound sword in front of her, "This is the 1st level of the Profound Burning Heavens Sword. Using your knowledge of the Six Auras Swords, you have to condense the red flames of your Six Auras Swords into the more powerful blue flames. The secret lies in the 6th Sword of the Six Auras Swords that you have just mastered. By having all 6 swords, you are able to increase the profound power of your Six Aura Swords into one powerful sword. Therefore, the first level is also called the Blue Fire Condensation."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi then displayed the Six Auras Swords before merging it to form the first level of the Profound Burning Heavens Sword.

Ye Fan was excited when he saw this. 

And to the shock of the Fairy Xuan Xueqi, Ye Fan had immediately flashed the Six Swords of the Six Auras Swords and he had successfully merged them to form the Profound Burning Heaven Sword.

"One look and you have realized the Profound Burning Heave Sword?" Fairy Xuan Xueqi was astonished.

Ye Fan smiled awkwardly, "It is because my Xueqi is also a good a good cultivation master. You have already showed me the meridians and I am quite familiar with the Six Auras Swords by now."

He had been practicing the Six Auras Swords for a hundred year now and he was very familiar with all the energy meridians that were being used by this sword profound art.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi then displayed the second level, third level, forth level, fifth level and the sixth level of the Profound Burning Heaven Sword to Ye Fan.

Actually the Profound Burning Heaven Sword that Fairy Xuan Xueqi had displayed was a pale comparison to what she could displayed in the past and moreover, it was extremely taxing to her profound strength.

After demonstrating to Ye Fan, she was forced to consume a profound pill.

Ye Fan had wanted to stop her when she was demonstrating the third level of the Profound Burning Heaven Sword to him but she had insisted on pushing her limits to show it to him.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled tenderly to him, "Ye Fan, since you have already attained the first level of the Profound Burning Heaven Sword, the rest of the levels won't be hard for you. And you will need the Profound Burning Heaven Sword to defeat your opponents in this trial. Please don't let my earnest efforts for you to be in vain."

Ye Fan was forced to allow her to continue.

After Fairy Xuan Xueqi had finished demonstrating the Profound Burning Heaven Sword to him, Ye Fan was able to quickly picked up to the 4th level of the Profound Burning Heaven Sword.

He was unable to realize the 5th and the 6th level not because he had failed to grasp the intricate display of this Profound Burning Heaven Sword but because he lacked the profound strength to further execute the 5th and the 6th level. 

This was good enough for Fairy Xuan Xueqi as she said tenderly to him, "In no time, you will have the profound strength to use the 5th and the 6th level. No hurry to do it now."

This last minute practice was actually quite taxing to Ye Fan as well and he was forced to consume a profound pill to regain his profound strength.

He actually had plenty of profound pills to regain his profound strength quickly but taking too much in such a short time was detrimental to his cultivation. 

And no cultivators would consume a profound pill unless it is totally necessary. 

When you gain something, you will lose something. 

By gaining some of his profound strength quickly in such a short time would also consume Ye Fan's vitality quickly and lowering the limit of his profound power that could be executed as well.

While it was true that profound strength would increase a cultivator's profound power but it would also dull the ferocity of the profound attack by replacing the exact profound power. 

It is like doing weight lifting. While you can still do one more press but that one more press won't have that much power, speed or ease anymore. 

The effects of the profound pill to regain profound strength is a false belief to the cultivators that they could do 1 more press by misleading them that they still got the profound strength by sacrificing their own vitality.

That is the reason why profound pills are only consumed at the last resort and not eaten as tonics. 

After that, Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi were forced to cultivate for another one hour to regain some of their profound strength naturally. 

While Ye Fan was cultivating for his profound strength, he was also wondering how strong his Xueqi really was at the 5th realm cultivation in order to wield all 7 levels of the Profound Burning Heavens Sword.

If she had not expended most of her profound strength for the Nightingale Grass that day, maybe they would have a fighting chance against Young Master Zheng Tianwu and Young Master Xi Wugui.

But then, these two young masters would also have their own secret cultivation profound arts and it won't be easy to defeat them so easily.

Ye Fan then blamed himself for Fairy Xuan Xueqi's misfortune and resolved in his mind to cure her.