Breaking Down the Inner Profound Barrier

As soon as an agreement had been made by everyone, many of the cultivators were now prepared to lend their profound strength to create a temporary hole in the profound barrier.

Ye Fan said to them, "My beloved Xueqi won't be able to muster her profound strength to help with the profound barrier as she is severely injured."

This startled all the cultivators, including the Charming Saintess Luo Yingying. 

And this drawn upon Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi some ugly and angry looks. 

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled nonchalantly as she said, "Because of this, I won't be taking a share of the loot. So it is down to the 13 of you. I am here just to take a look with Ye Fan."

When she had said that, there were suddenly many smiling faces; one less person to take the loot means that they would be able to obtain more. 

The Charming Saintess Luo Yingying was surprised that this 'Ye Xueqi' was actually injured and she was curious to know the cause. 

However, she suppressed the urge to know for now as all the cultivators except for Fairy Xuan Xueqi had gathered around the perimeter of the profound barrier to focus all their profound force to break into the immortal palace that was in this part of the immortal tomb.

The inner profound barrier was much more difficult than they had expected even though they had 6 saint cultivators in this place.

So it was impossible for them to attempt alone. 

After all, this was an immortal tomb and way beyond any of the celestial cultivator to attempt alone.

It was a lucky thing that the Charming Saintess had suggested that they all worked together. Who knows if there may be even more formidable profound barriers or seals that were inside as well?

Soon after 30 minutes of trying, all the cultivators were perspiring heavily and looking quite exhausted but they had finally succeeded in making a small hole.

The Charming Saintess Luo Yingying said to everyone, "We need more profound strength from everyone. Keep trying and don't give it up at this point or all our efforts will be futile. When this hole is big enough, we shall all quickly enter into the place before the hole is sealed once again."

This was the only right suggestion so all the cultivators were all nodding as they quickly exercised more of their profound strength.

Many of the cultivators, including two saint cultivators were even consuming a profound pill to give them more strength.

Ye Fan had mustered his Omnipotent Immortal Force into the profound barrier and he was helping the most next to the saint cultivators. 

All the other cultivators could actually see that Ye Fan was putting on his best effort to break down the profound barrier as they could all feel the profound power of the other cultivators' that were coursing into the profound barrier. 

They were all surprised that a mere half-step 5th realm cultivator like Ye Fan was able to contribute so much of his profound force despite the fact he was the lowest realm cultivator in this place. 

The Charming Saintess Luo Yingying had of course contributed the most profound force as she was the only great saintess around. 

Next to the saints here, this Ye Fan had contributed the most and she was thinking that all these 5th and 6th realm cultivators were all useless when compared to this Ye Fan.

She began to wonder what kind of profound art that this mysterious Ye Fan was practicing when the profound barrier had suddenly begun to widen.

With a soft shout, she said to everyone. "Now! Let's go in!"

When she had given the command and had taken the lead, all the cultivators including Fairy Xuan Xueqi had all rushed into the hole profound barrier and when they were finally in, the hole that was in the profound barrier was beginning to close rapidly again.

Now, they were all facing a flight of stone steps that could lead them into the palace in front of them and they were all looking at one another with excitingly. 

The Charming Saintess Luo Yingying was smiling enticingly, "So this is the immortal tomb. I've never explored an immortal tomb before. This is indeed worthy of my interest."

All the others were laughing jovially as well. 

The truth was that none of them had ever explored an immortal tomb before as well.

As all the cultivators were thinking about the profound treasures that were inside, they were also hatching some other nefarious plans on their own; it was because they were not selfless cultivators and now that they were inside, some of them were naturally unwilling to share any of the profound treasures with one another.

After all, how could they share a profound treasure equally? It was either take it or leave it. 

This was especially true for the other 5 saint cultivators who were all thinking how they could take as much of the profound treasures as possible.

Given the right opportunity, they would not hesitate to kill the other weak cultivators so as to take a greater share of the profound treasures that were inside the immortal tomb. 

But of course, with the Charming Saintess Luo Yingying around, they still have to show her some face as they adopted a wait and see approach.

Ye Fan had suddenly said, "This is not only an ordinary tomb but an immortal tomb. It is impossible for an immortal tomb to be unguarded. So there should be plenty of traps and even powerful guardians in this place. So, we ought to be united and stay as closely as possible to one another for protection."

Ye Fan's words were a wake-up call for many of the cultivators. 

They were so obsessed with obtaining the profound treasures of the dead immortal that they had missed out on the obvious.

Ye Fan could sense the killing intentions from some of the cultivators after they had entered into the profound barrier and he saw some of their subtle treacherous look. 

That was why he had spoken up to warn everyone that they ought to think twice if they were planning to betray the rest.

The Charming Saintess Luo Yingying was also taking a subtle look at Ye Fan and she was secretly impressed by him: He isn't stupid than the rest. In fact, he is wiser than most of the cultivators in this place.

She was actually one of the cultivators that was planning to kill the rest of the cultivators except for Ye Fan. 

It was because she has yet to seduce Ye Fan and the reward for doing so, will be the Carnation Goddess Painting. 

Although she had the suspicion that the Great Virtuous Saintess Qi Qifen was somehow hoodwinking her but she had no proof. Moreover, they had a soul agreement so she really could not guess the real intention of the Great Virtuous Qi Qifen.

But since, she needed not really have to seduce Ye Fan into her bed but to make him fall in love with her, she was perfectly alright to go ahead with the ruse of Great Virtuous Saintess Qi Qifen of tricking this Ye Fan. 

After all, the reward for doing so was extremely high.


Author Note:

1. If anyone is interested, you can read The Villainess is my Love Interest. This story is a harem cultivation story though so it is different from Cultivation: To Kill the Witch. 

Although The Villainess is my Love Interest only around 20 chapters, it will be updated more frequently as it is a contracted story to webnovel. The chapers will be likely to be unlocked for free till 60.