The Secret Room

The secret room was quite dim when Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi had entered it.

The so call entrance to this secret room was actually behind the shadow of a tall pillar, making it double hard for anyone to notice it unless they used their hands to feel into the fake wall. 

Moreover, the entrance to this secret room was extremely narrow, forcing Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi to move side way as they entered it.

This secret room actually had nothing at all.

But there were three shimmering black portals at the end of this room and nothing else in this room.

This stumbled Ye Fan as he looked at Fairy Xuan Xueqi, "What do you think about this, Xueqi?"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled bitterly as she sighed, "There is no clue at all and this seemed to be a one way portal too."

Ye Fan nodded, "That's what I am thinking as well…"

Then he continued after a short pause, "The reason why there is no hint is because the dead immortal did not want anyone to disturb his rest. The very reason why there are 3 portals here is because two of these portals are probably death traps."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi slowly nodded, "And to think that we are lucky enough to find this secret room."

Ye Fan laughed softly, "Well, the dead immortal had made it easy for the last two hallways so that any intruders will be checking the main halls for profound treasures and then follow a red herring to elsewhere."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled, "That's right. This dead immortal isn't dumb. He gave up a little of his profound treasures to lead everyone elsewhere but the real profound treasures are actually in 1 of the 3 portals here."

"Xueqi, what do you think? I mean which portal should I choose?" Ye Fan asked her.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled, "Shouldn't you be more concerned about that Charming Saintess Luo Yingying first? She may be putting herself in danger by continuing down there."

Ye Fan frowned, "Why should I be concerned for her?"

"Because she is a really charming maiden and she is secretly looking at you," Fairy Xuan Xueqi chuckled softly. 

Ye Fan was startled, "Why should she be secretly looking at me?"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi winked at him, "Maybe she likes you or is interested in you. Why don't you give her a chance?"

Ye Fan laughed softly, "And risk irking my Xueqi? Never." 

Fairy Xuan Xueqi had suddenly grown solemn, "But you don't want to warn her or the others?"

Ye Fan said, "There is no doubt there will be at least 1 more deadly trap ahead of them. It is because the dead immortal may want to mislead them further. But I am sure that this Charming Saintess Luo Yingying would be able to overcome this deadly trap. She looks very intelligent…"

"… but if we were to go back and tell them about this secret room then we may have to share the loot with them and so far, they aren't really sharing anything with us. Moreover, we don't know which way to pick and they may use us as a bait instead."

"And so therefore I've decided to be the bad guy and stay put here," Ye Fan chuckled softly.

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled, "You really don't know how to treasure the damsels in distress."

Ye Fan ignored Fairy Xuan Xueqi's comments as he rubbed his chin to ponder over the 3 shimmering portals. "If I were the dead immortal, I won't put the middle portal as the correct one since it will be too obvious. Therefore, the correct portal should be either left or right."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi was astonished, "Wah? You are actually trying to guess the right portal? That is one in three chances."

Ye Fan grinned, "Now it is one in two chances now."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi rolled her golden eyes, "Don't be too sure about it."

Ye Fan said, "If I were the dead immortal, I won't put the correct portal as the right portal since I don't want to the right portal to be right."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi curiously asked. "So the right answer is the left portal?"

Ye Fan gave her a playful smile, "Unfortunately, I am not the dead immortal and the dead immortal is not me. So, this is all pure speculation."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi: …

She kicked Ye Fan's foot, "You almost have me fooled!"

Ye Fan chuckled, "I've thought that you are fooled actually."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi laughed lovingly, "Make a guess whether I am fooled by you then?"

Ye Fan was also laughing jovially too.

In this situation, they were cracking little jokes with each other as they had no idea which portal to go and they were not willing to risk the other's life. 

After a short while, Fairy Xuan Xueqi quietly said. "I know that you want to go pick the left portal but you are concerned for me. If that is the wrong portal then you will feel very guilty. You are really analyzing very seriously just now." 

Ye Fan could not deny it but he continued to grin, "I was only pulling your leg. Let's turn back and maybe we can also explore the other palaces. We have come to a dead end now…"

All of a sudden, the divine tree that was in Ye Fan's soul sea had suddenly manifested in front of him and its afterimage had flashed into the left portal! 

Both Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi were startled by this weird phenomenon. 

Fairy Xuan Xueqi said, "Did you see that? Your Divine Tree runs to the left portal. Didn't you say that you are here only because you are being led by your Divine Tree? So the left portal is the right one after all."

Ye Fan slowly nodded, "The left portal may be the right portal after all. Shall we go?"

Fairy Xuan Xueqi had immediately held onto Ye Fan's hand and she was playfully looking at him, "I trust you on this. Don't screw me up."

Ye Fan laughed weakly, "Don't bet 100% on it."

And with that, the two of them had leapt into the left portal together.