Encountering Celestial Mei Xiaoruan

Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi had thought that the portal would lead them outside of the immortal tomb but instead, they found themselves in a gigantic hall that had hundreds of thick and towering pillars around.

In front of the hall was a purple portal and it looked identical to the one that they had first seen when they had entered into this wonderland. 

However, there were also thousands of cultivators in the same hall but very few of the cultivators were attempting to enter into the purple portal.

Ye Fan muttered weakly, "This purple portal should be the one that would allow us to exit this immortal tomb as well as this wonderland."

This was only a guess and he had been wrong twice!

Even Fairy Xuan Xueqi was saying, "I hope so."

They had appeared next to a towering pillar that was 20 times their height and the pillar was the width of ten men. 

Actually, all the hundreds of pillars in this gigantic hall were all identical.

Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi quickly found themselves facing thousands of cultivators that were fighting in all corners of his gigantic hall and it was extremely chaotic.

As a matter of fact, their sudden appearance through a spatial shift caused them to be attacked by two 5th golden cultivators but Ye Fan had quickly displayed his earth-step divine sword as he parried them away.

Ye Fan said to them coolly, "I am not your enemy. So, don't push me."

When they saw that Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi did not make any further move against them, they cautiously stepped back before going in two separate directions.

These two cultivators actually did not know each other and was fighting with each other when Ye Fan had appeared with Fairy Xuan Xueqi.

His sudden appearance had startled them and hence they had both attacked Ye Fan at the same time.

But when Ye Fan had pushed them back and when they saw that they were pitting against two golden celestials, they quickly calculated their odds of winning before departing; it was not because they were convinced by Ye Fan's mere words but because they did not want to fight against two golden celestials at the same time. 

It may even turn up to be three vs. one if they are the same cultivation alliance as the other cultivator. 

Therefore, they had quickly retreated.

Ye Fan took a quick look around the hall and saw that there were hundreds of towering pillars that were blocking his views but he knows that there were actually thousands of cultivators that were in the same hall as them and many were fighting furiously against one another.

The golden blood of the golden celestials could be seen everywhere and there were even several dismembered bodies.

Ye Fan said to Fairy Xuan Xueqi, "Xueqi, we need to walk with great caution in this place and to find the way out."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi nodded, "It should be in the middle and end of this hall but we have to fight our way through to it first. I wonder who are the ones that are controlling the exit in this place?"

Ye Fan smiled weakly, "They should all have exited this place instead of fighting here."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled, "They won't. This is the perfect place to settle personal feuds and grudges because there is only a way out."

All of a sudden, a beautiful maiden was gasping softly as she was flung within sight of Ye Fan and Fairy Xuan Xueqi.

Ye Fan had recognized this beautiful maiden and she was none other than Celestial Mei Xiaoruan. 

Another cultivator had suddenly appeared and he had the profound aura of a middle sixth realm cultivation. 

As he appeared, he was shouting. "All dogs of the Holy Alliance should perish by the swords of the Boburi Alliance!" 

Ye Fan saw that this cultivator was wearing the insignia of the Myriad Swords Sect and he was an arch enemy of the Profound Cloud Sect. 

As he knows Mei Xiaoruan and he was somewhat indebted to her for her help, he quickly displayed his divine sword to intercept the attacking Golden Supremacy Cultivator. 

The attacking cultivator growled angrily, "Another dog of the Holy Alliance?!"

Mei Xiaoruan was startled when she saw him, "Ye Fan? Run! He is a 6th realm golden supremacy. We are not his match." 

Ye Fan said coolly, "He should be the one that is fleeing from us."

Then he grinned, "It is because we are 3 and he is only one."

When he had said that, half of the anger of this 6th realm golden supremacy had dissipated when he had realized that he was facing three golden celestials.

Even though he may be stronger but it would be a tough fight and in this place, he could not afford to get himself injured as there were numerous hostile alliances and cultivation sects.

Therefore, he had quickly turned around to flee instead. 

Ye Fan saw that Mei Xiaoruan was injured as he helped to lift her up. "Maiden Xiaoruan, are you alright?"

Mei Xiaoruan smiled as she was lifted up by Ye Fan, "I am… alright… thank you…" 

Then she quickly looked at Fairy Xuan Xueqi and smiled, "Fairy Xuan, thank you as well."

Fairy Xuan Xueqi smiled too and she quickly said to her, "Celestial Xiaoruan, you ought to stay with us for now. It will be much safer for you."

Celestial Mei Xiaoruan nodded as she sighed softly, "I've tried to rejoin the Holy Alliance but there are too many cultivation alliances and cultivation sects in this place, hence I was alone earlier."

Ye Fan nodded, "It seems to me that we are all here in this place?"

Celestial Mei Xiaoruan nodded, "Indeed all the cultivators that are alive in this mirage wonderland are all here in this great hall. It seems that we are all being led here intentional and there is only a single exit out of this place."

Mei Xiaoruan's words confirmed with Ye Fan's analysis that the exit portal was indeed here in the great hall so he quickly asked. "Where is this exit portal. Have you seen this exit portal yet?"

Celestial Mei Xiaoruan shook her head, "I haven't seen this exit portal myself but I have heard that this exit portal is controlled by the Virtuous Saintess Palace and the Great Virtuous Saintess Qin Qifen had been demanding a toll to anyone that wants to use the exit portal."

Ye Fan began to smile weakly, "In that case, she won't be able to hold the exit portal for long."

Celestial Mei Xiaoruan shook her head, "This, you are wrong. I have heard that she is able to hold the exit portal."

Ye Fan was startled, "It means that she has many of the cultivation sects from her alliance that are with her?"

Celestial Mei Xiaoruan shook her head, "This, I really do not know."