Rick to the Rescue [2]

Chapter - 64

"Umm... Excuse me," Rick raised his hand, trying to get everyone's attention politely, like a schoolboy about to speak in class.

Rick understood that he couldn't remain hidden in the bushes any longer. The system had provided him with a compelling incentive to take action. However, he lacked a concrete plan. Right now, his best option was to make good use of the Ero points he had spent earlier.

In the meantime, Rick whispered to the Rabbit, making sure only the Rabbit could hear him, "Stay here. I might need your help later."

The Rabbit's ears twitched, reluctant to stay behind. But upon seeing the seriousness on Rick's face, it crouched behind the cover of the bushes, its small nose still twitching with concern.

As Rick stepped out of the bushes, his heart raced, he found himself in a tense situation. Suddenly, nearly a dozen pair of eyes were on him.