I don't even know his name

Chapter - 86

"Alright, it's a deal. I will spill the beans and tell you everything I know, and what I am looking for behind this gate," Evelina said and looked at Rick.



"Need me to send a raven to your great Uncle Joe for the grand reveal?"

"Come on, I haven't got all day. Tell me what's so important inside the cave. But please, spare me the cliché about your dying grandfather, some mysterious plant or herb that can save his life and that mysterious herb can only be found inside that cave," Rick threw his hand in air and looked annoyed.

"I have read too many cliche stories to know better," Rick smirked.

"Ummm..." Evelina hesitated, her expression conflicted. It seemed that Rick's worst suspicions might just be confirmed.

And when Rick saw the difficulty on her face he could not believe in his luck. That was actually the case?