You Didn't Help Someone Even After Seeing Them Fall

Jiang Shanshan sneered. "Meng Nianyao, don't act as if everything has nothing to do with you. Don't you dare to say that you weren't the one who told Gu Wencheng to deal with Meng Haotian? To put it bluntly, you're just a bitch who relies on men!"

Meng Nianyao looked at Jiang Shanshan. In the past, she hated this woman. She hated her for ruining the family that she thought was happy. But now, she felt sorry for her, a woman who had nothing other than maliciously speculating and being jealous of others.

For a moment, Meng Nianyao felt lucky. Fortunately, she was different from Jiang Shanshan and did not place all her hopes on men. Fortunately, she did not lose herself.

Meng Nianyao looked at her situation and suddenly, something that she couldn't figure out all this time suddenly came to her mind. She did not want to waste any more time with Jiang Shanshan and turned to leave.