It's Delicious, Try It

When they left the old house, Meng Nianyao's arms were full of snacks that Grandma Gu had given her. She sighed as she ate. "Gu Wencheng, Grandma is really good. I don't know how to repay her."

Gu Wencheng glanced at her and then turned his gaze back to the road. "It's good to spend more time with them. I'm old. I just want to have more fun at home."

"Alright. "Meng Nianyao opened a box of biscuits, took a bite, and handed it to Gu Wencheng. "It's delicious. Try it."

Gu Wencheng looked at the biscuit with teeth marks on it and bit into it.

"Is it delicious?" Meng Nianyao smiled at him.

Gu Wencheng chewed twice and swallowed the sweet biscuit.
