Go Rest

At this point, Gu Wencheng and Meng Nianyao didn't try to persuade him anymore. After asking for a small bed from the medical staff, he placed it beside Grandma Gu's bed so that Grandpa Gu could rest at night.

As for Gu Wencheng and Meng Nianyao, they certainly wouldn't leave. Su Han got a simple lounge in the hospital for them to stay in. Gu Wencheng asked Meng Nianyao to wash up first. When she came out, Gu Wencheng was nowhere to be seen in the lounge, so she hurried to look for him.

Meng Nianyao thought that Gu Wencheng had gone to see Grandma Gu, but Grandpa Gu was the only one in the ward reading the newspaper to Grandma Gu. She closed the door and looked elsewhere until she eventually found Gu Wencheng smoking in the emergency exit.

The corridor was filled with the choking smell of smoke. Meng Nianyao fanned herself and covered her nose as she walked over. Gu Wencheng turned his head when he heard her voice. "Why are you here?" You haven't rested yet?"