It's Already So Late

During this period of time, Meng Nianyao had been looking for information and drawing designs, but she had been in a bad state. If Fu Yi hadn't called, she would have forgotten about the design drawings. She stared at the first draft on the computer screen, tied up her loose hair, and began to work.

Meng Nianyao was very serious as soon as she got into work mode. She ate a few bites of lunch and locked herself in her bedroom. Sis Wang was worried, so she brought her some water and desserts. Seeing that Meng Nianyao was working seriously, she didn't disturb her.

Meng Nianyao didn't leave the bedroom until almost 10 p. m. when Gu Wencheng came back. She didn't even have dinner yet, and Sister Wang was still there. Gu Wencheng came back and saw that she hadn't gotten off work yet, so he guessed that Meng Nianyao must have missed dinner again.

"Sister Wang, you can go back first. "Gu Wencheng went straight to the bedroom.