Are You Playing Tricks With Me?

The staff of the municipal government lowered their heads and whispered to each other. The participating designers had nervous expressions on their faces, while Fu Yi and An Xinya's expressions were dark.

The government staff discussed for a long time without coming to a conclusion. Finally, someone came out and said, "President Gu, your company is really full of talents. Every designer has something outstanding. Therefore, we still need to go back and discuss it and hold a meeting. After all, this is related to the image of our city."

Gu Wencheng stood up. The formal suit on his body made him look noble. "Of course. I hope we have a design that will satisfy you."

Gu Wencheng and An Xinya personally saw off the government staff. Fu Yi sat where she was. When everyone left, she stopped Meng Nianyao. "Are you playing dirty with me?"