Are You Pregnant?

The drama in the military compound had reached a fever pitch. The rumors about Li Li and Gu Shan's affair had spread like wildfire, igniting whispers and knowing glances among the neighbors.

No matter how hard Li Li tried to contain the situation, it had spiraled beyond her control. Finally realizing the truth could no longer be hidden, she acted swiftly.

Before Zhang Mei could retaliate, Li Li feigned an excuse, requested leave, and asked for her salary in advance. Without a second thought, she packed her belongings and fled to her village. Confronting Zhang Mei, a woman well-connected within the compound, was a losing battle Li Li had no intention of fighting.

Li Li clung to one belief: as long as Gu Shan's heart remained with her, nothing else mattered. She wasn't naive—she knew Zhang Mei would eventually uncover the truth. But what could Zhang Mei do? Li Li had already disappeared.