Bo's Backstory

"Well, Komo, she's not here anymore, but I could sense her, so it is ok, but it is telling me that she's going to some kingdom. I do not know why, and I am surprised that she is not trying to look for you, so I am guessing something is happening to her, and we need to catch up to her quick, says Free. Komo shakes and nods his head, then Free goes back to the sword, but Komo is feeling really worried and misses Althea a lot, so Komo leaves and goes back to tell the twii's that he was leaving; he is no longer needed here. The Mini twii's tell Komo that they are going to miss him and also thanked him for saving their lives again, but Komo told them that it is his job as a hero to protect and bring peachfulness and let people live in a peachful world and do not experience this hellish of a life. Bo came in and said, Children, my little cuties He is right. This world is very evil, and I do not yet know why. I did not tell you this, but there is a library just right over there. Just go down the stairs and knock on the door. A good friend of mine should be in there. Do not worry; he will not attack. He will know who you are, so he will just let you in." Komo said, What can I check, please? Bo refused and said no because the place is not ready yet and it is still at work. Bo saw these kids fall asleep, so he thinks this was the right opportunity to tell Komo his past."Komo what I'm about to tell you is very private and I trust you because you saved my children but promise me you will not tell the kids or anyone this no matter if it's your best friend or whatever okay so six years ago it was a lovely night having a happy time with my family until a man that is 6 ft tall grabbed me by my shirt I've said to me where is the book I know you are hiding it where it is I know what he was talking about but something tells me to not give this man the book so I lied I said I do not know what is he talking about so he wasted no time that he told his three bodyguards to tie me down and wife then put the kids in a cage and the wife and kids was in shock and panicking but I told them to calm down everything is going to be alright so i thought he was beating my wife mostly and i yelled telling them to stop but just keep doing it. He said this: He told me he would give me one last chance. Where is the book? I refuse, and this is something I did not inspect. He sliced my wife's head in front of my eyes and summoned his dogs, and they ate her entire body and head. I was in hell, and your friend Althea was glowing in light, saving us, but for some reason everyone ran away, and the guy said he did not have time to fight this bitch, so I am guessing their fight before.But I was shocked and started screaming and crying, and your friend released my kids and me, but I was not paying attention; I just kept seeing images of my wife's head in my mind. Then, six days later, when I woke up, the kids were gone, and that day is something I wish I was the one who had the guy blood on my hand. Komo had a lot of things he wanted to say about Althea and the wife, but Komo said, "Listen, Bo, one day, and I promise I will bring this world to light. If I ever meet that guy, my sword is what he's going to meet, so do not worry. Bo listens to while he is crying, so he also tells Komo that it is late and you should just rest, and Komo quickly agrees with him and falls asleep as fast as possible. Bo sensed some great power in Komo, and he started to tremble a little and asked himself"This feeling is the same feeling as his friend does those two have something special in them".