
As Takashi activated his three tome Sharingan, he captured this moment, etching it into his memories forever. Exhausted from the birthing process, his wife eagerly awaited the naming of their twins.

Takashi turned to his father, Kazuki, and greeted him warmly. "Welcome, father," he said with respect.

Kazuki, curious about the chosen names for the twins, inquired, "Takashi, what will you name them?"

Takashi hesitated for a moment, contemplating the unexpected arrival of twins. "Honestly, I had already decided on the name Shisui Uchiha," he admitted.

Kazuki suggested, "Name the eldest twin Ryu Uchiha, the Dragon of the Uchiha clan."

Takashi nodded, acknowledging his father's wisdom. "Yes, father. I will discuss the name with Aya and ensure she is also fond of it. After all, she plays a significant role in their lives."

Kazuki offered his approval, saying, "That should work, indeed."

Filled with joy, Takashi and Kazuki made their way to the Uchiha police squad to meet the clan head and share the news of the twins' birth. They distributed sweets among their Uchiha brethren, celebrating the arrival of the newest members of the esteemed Uchiha clan.

Aya gradually regained consciousness, her weariness evident from giving birth to the twins.

Takashi, filled with concern, approached her tenderly. "Aya, are you alright? Is everything fine?" he asked with genuine care.

Aya, a glimmer of joy in her eyes, responded, "Yes, everything is fine. It seems we are blessed with twins."

Takashi, considering his father's suggestion, shared the news. "Aya, father came and proposed naming the eldest twin Ryu. What are your thoughts on this?"

Aya pondered for a moment, realizing the significance of the name. "Ryu, meaning 'dragon,' is a powerful and captivating choice. It has a cool aura to it," she replied, contemplating its significance. "What do you think, Takashi?"

Takashi smiled warmly, appreciating Aya's input. "Initially, I had thought of a unique and cool name like Ryu. But your preference has resonated with me. I am more than willing to name the eldest twin Ryu, as it holds a special meaning for both of us."

Aya's decision resonated with conviction as she declared, "It is decided then. We shall name them Ryu Uchiha and Shisui Uchiha, proud members of the esteemed Uchiha Clan."

Kazuki entered the room, a smile gracing his face as he observed the harmony between Aya and Takashi.

Nodding in agreement, he expressed his joy, "I am pleased to see the love and unity between you two, my dear children. The names Ryu Uchiha and Shisui Uchiha hold great significance, reflecting the strength and honor of our Uchiha lineage."

He extended his hand, placing it gently on Aya's shoulder. "You have made a wise decision, my daughter. May these twins grow to become pillars of our clan and bring pride to the Uchiha name."

Ryu's reincarnation brought him love and a smooth transition into his new life. Unbeknownst to others, he carried the remarkable achievements of a 19-year-old self-made billionaire from Earth.

In Earth, Ryu had never experienced love, making the sudden affection from his parents feel both unfamiliar and comforting.

Baby Ryu displayed signs of being a baby Sigma, craving more milk to fuel his rapid growth. Eager to excel, he yearned to develop faster, both in speech and in walking, surpassing the pace of his fellow infants.

Within the span of eight months, Ryu astounded his family and surpassed expectations as he began to talk and walk at an early age. Setting himself apart from his twin brother, Shisui, and the rest of his generation, Ryu displayed remarkable progress and carved his own unique path of development.

Age 3

Aya called out to Ryu and Shisui, urging them to come and eat.

Ryu and Shisui responded in unison, "Coming, Mom."

As they descended the stairs, they noticed spinach and eggs prepared for their lunch.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Shisui questioned, "Mom, why spinach today?"

Ryu quickly interjected, "Shisui, don't complain. Let's not trouble Mom. She always knows what's best."

Ryu's comment exemplified his characteristic sigma nature, recognizing his mother's exceptional qualities (Mama Boy).

Aya can't resist but embrace Ryu, showering him with affection. "My baby, you are so cool and adorable," she whispered, overwhelmed by love for her remarkable son.

Ryu knew that his mother, Aya, held a significant role as a skilled medic at Konoha Hospital. Her two-tomoe Sharingan, a rare gift inherited from their Uchiha lineage, enhanced her surgical abilities, allowing her to perform intricate procedures with remarkable precision.

Since she works at the hospital, she knows what to give and when to give for a 3 year old kids.

Takashi, served as a lieutenant under Captain Fugaku in the elite Uchiha police force.

With both parents engrossed in their respective careers, Kazuki Uchiha assumed the responsibility of raising the twins in their absence. A skilled practitioner of Kenjutsu, Kazuki saw this as an opportunity to pass down his knowledge to the next generation. He began training Ryu and Shisui in the arts of Shurikenjutsu and Kenjutsu, instilling in them the discipline and techniques required for combat.

As training progressed, Kazuki quickly recognized the exceptional talent both Ryu and Shisui possessed in handling swords, kunai, and shuriken. However, Ryu's natural aptitude surpassed that of his twin brother, causing Shisui to feel overshadowed and discouraged. Ryu's inherent understanding and ease in mastering the techniques could be attributed to his lineage, particularly the influence of Indra, the genius creator of ninjutsu.

Kazuki pondered how to support Shisui's growth while nurturing Ryu's extraordinary abilities, aiming to strike a balance between their talents within the Uchiha family.

Ryu pleaded with his grandpa, Kazuki, to teach them jutsu, with Shisui chiming in with his own puppy eyes technique. Mesmerized by Shisui's irresistible charm, Kazuki couldn't resist and declared, "Ha, I will teach you both!" Filled with pride and joy, Kazuki marveled at the talents and cuteness of his grandsons, feeling blessed by the heavens for the exceptional gifts bestowed upon their family.

Kazuki led the twins to a secluded pond, surrounded by a dense forest. With a single command, he unleashed the Uchiha's signature fire technique, Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu. The intense flames vaporized the water in the pond, leaving only steam behind. The twins watched in awe, witnessing the raw power and mastery of Uchiha fire.

Shisui: "Grandpa, can you show me the hand signs again for the Fireball Jutsu?"

Kazuki: *smiling* "Alright, Shisui, pay attention. These are the hand signs."

*Kazuki demonstrates the hand signs slowly* while Ryu checks the temperature difference of the pond before and after the fire ball

Shisui: *trying the technique* "I did it! Look, Ryu, a little fireball!"

Ryu: *impressed* "That's awesome, Shisui! Just remember to take in more air next time for a stronger fireball."

Kazuki: "Now, Ryu, let me show you the hand signs."

Ryu: *grinning confidently* "No need, Grandpa. I've got this."

*Ryu effortlessly performs the hand signs and creates a massive fireball, matching Kazuki's in volume and width*

Kazuki: *in awe* "Ryu, that's incredible! You have immense power, but be careful with your chakra control."

Ryu: *panting slightly* "I used up half my chakra, but it was worth it. I'm a force to be reckoned with!"

Shisui: *amazed* "Ryu, that was incredible! I've never seen anyone perform the Fireball Jutsu like that of our age."

Kazuki: *nodding* "Indeed, Ryu. Your immense chakra and natural talent make you a formidable shinobi. But remember, control is just as important as power."