The next morning, at the Minato residence:

Kushina was doing dishes, and Minato was reading the newspaper.

Kushina said, "Minato, I said that I will go to my mother's land, the Land of Whirlpools, right?"

Minato replied, "Yes, Kushina, what about it?"

Kushina asked, "Can I take Ryu along with me?"

Minato replied, "Ryu is in Anbu Black Ops, under my direct command. According to the reports, he is the most efficient Assassin ever, and he will be very useful for upcoming missions, Kushina."

Kushina used her cute-hot face puppy eyes jutsu and said, "Please."

Minato got knocked out.

Minato said, "OK, OK, you can take Ryu along with you."

Kushina was excited, "Yay! Thank you, Minato."

Minato kissed Kushina on the head and prepared for the day as the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf.

At the Uchiha Training Grounds:

Ryu was working hard as ever on his Wind Vacuum Jutsu. Unable to create a core, he decided to master Wind Style.

Ryu used the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu and trained immensely in the Leaf Cutting Technique.

Being one of his natural affinities, Ryu believed it would come to him quickly.

After two days, Minato informed Ryu, "Ryu, your Onee is going on a trip to the Land of Whirlpools tomorrow. I am willing to send you there for the next three days with Kushina and Genin Akari Uzumaki. It will be a C-ranked mission. All the best, and protect the Jinchuriki."

The next morning, at the Konoha gate:

Ryu appeared wearing his Jonin uniform.

Ryu was tall for an 11-year-old, and he looked handsome yet cold, typical of the Uchiha physique—slender and sexy.

Kushina complimented, "Ryu, you look very good in your Jonin uniform."

Uzuki and Akari were lost for words.

Ryu replied, "Well, Onee, this is my first mission as a regular Jonin."

Uzuki was arrogant, "This is your first mission as a Jonin?"

Ryu replied, "Yes."

Uzuki said, "I thought they could bring someone experienced and component enough to protect my daughter."

Ryu got angered and thought, "This little thing is calling me incompetent? Me?" Ryu activated his three-tomoe Sharingan.

Akari thought, "Oh, shit, Ryu has an ego like the sea. If this continues, he will show disrespect towards Mom."

Kushina warned Uzuki, "Watch your words, Uzuki."

Ryu said, "Wait a minute, Onee."

Ryu used a genjutsu on Uzuki Uzumaki.

Ryu summoned Isobu in his prime state.

Uzuki got shivers down her spine.

In that genjutsu, Ryu destroyed all of humanity along with the Tailed Beasts, using Tailed Beast


This induced trauma for Uzuki.

The Land of Whirlpool was destroyed because of Kirigakure, Iwagakure, and Kumogakure, along with their Tailed Beast Bombs.

Uzuki screamed...

Ryu said, "Watch your mouth, and I won't tolerate disrespect."

Kushina knew this would happen. Uzuki had a big mouth and blabbered all the time, while Ryu was very sensitive towards words and a disciplined individual who didn't speak much.

Uzuki ran away.

Akari asked, "What did you do to Mom?"

Ryu replied, "A little genjutsu."

Akari thought, "A little genjutsu, huh? Uchihas are overpowered."

Ryu gave the pass to the gate guard and allowed them to pass.

Kushina said, "The great journey to the Land of Whirlpools starts from here."

Ryu remained silent.

Akari asked, "Ryu, are you mad?"

Ryu replied, "No."

Akari said, "I apologize on behalf of my mother."

Ryu replied, "Don't."

Kushina saw it as a couple's quarrel.

Kushina said, "Ryu, it is bad to scare elders."

Ryu replied, "Kushina Onee, I am sorry for such rash behavior."

Kushina said, "It's okay, Ryu. Make sure you won't repeat the same."

Ryu nodded.

Akari blushed throughout the journey.

Ryu asked Akari, "What jutsu have you mastered, Akari?"

Akari replied, "Well, Water Clone, Water Puddle, Water Style Raging Waves, Water Style Water Bullets, and Water Style Water Dragon Jutsu."

Ryu said, "Cool, so you can do the Water Dragon Jutsu."

Akari replied, "Yes, cool, right?"

Ryu said, "Wait."

Kushina asked, "Four of them, right?"

Ryu replied, "Inaccurate, ten of them: five on the left and five on the right."

Kushina thought, "What the hell? I am also a sensor. His sensing is very accurate."

Ryu said, "Shadow Clone Jutsu."

Ryu made three shadow clones and formed a triangle protecting formation.

Bandits started attacking from all three directions.

Ryu said, "I am going for the kill."

Ryu used the Fire Release: Demon Lantern jutsu.

As the tiny fragments of fire found their mark on the bandits' necks, instantaneously ending their lives.

Ryu's shadow clones dispersed.

Ryu commented, "I believe there will be no further problems."

Seeing one of the lifeless bodies, Akari succumbed to fainting.

Kushina inquired, "Could you carry her, Ryu?"

Ryu promptly responded, "Of course."

Ryu bore her weight for a distance of 15 kilometers.

Akari regained consciousness and internally wondered, "R-Ryu, what's happening? Ryu is carrying me?"

Attempting to maintain her pretense of unconsciousness, Akari discreetly relished in the sensation of Ryu carrying her.

Ryu realized that Akari had awoken.

Ryu asked, "Oh, are you awake now, Akari?"

Akari stammered, "Y-yes, R-Ryu," her embarrassment evident.

Ryu allowed Akari to descend slowly.

Ryu inquired, "Can you stand now?"

Akari responded, "Yes."

Ryu assured, "Good."

The trio continued their journey toward the Land of Whirlpools.

Kushina's demeanor appeared noticeably somber due to the ruined runes.