For coming days Ryu completed making custom seals and bid farewell to the Konoha.

Ryu was sent alone

Ryu's thoughts "I know why I am sent alone, but i got want I wanted, the sword of Kusnagi, it was able to handle the blue flames without any backslash"

Ryu kept his Eye's mind awake all the time from the movement to Kiri from the land of waves to the ship

Ryu saw the sea and announced "I am going to the king of Pirates" and wore a straw hat he bought from land of grass from one of his previous missions.

@ the Kiri council:

Random elder "Good, we demanded two ninja's from Suna and Konoha, lets see both we key factors for the Wars, Pakura of the scorch style who led Suna against Kiri with her Scorch style and Divine Dragon, the rumored swordsman of Konoha who is 11 years yet took 15 Iwagakure shinobi's life with ease and made a name for himself, and high likely he is Uchiha clan, so we can have his Kekkei Genkai too"

All the top Jonins were happy hearing to obtain Uchiha's Kekkei Genkai, there was also a argument who will have one.

One of the member sweat dropped remembering his first war experience with Uchiha Madara in the battle field.

The divine dragon experienced great sea travel, he was satisfied with it.

He removed his disguise and flicked through forest and moved forward towards Kirigakure.

He sensed a chakra signature far away from were he is, he immediately activated the sharingan.

It was wind and fire combined chakra in perfect harmony.

Pakura of the Scorch release.

Ryu'd thoughts "Oh my she is Pakura, let's pick up the speed before she dies then"

Random Mist shinobi pierced a kunai, she was back stabbed horribly by her village, which she adored and grew up. "Pain felt by the our comrades, who were killed by you and your village, DIE"

Pakura was pushed front helplessly

Random Mist shinobi "Dont think that, this will get rid of the grudge, your sacrifice is a small comfort gift from Suna for Kiri."

a barrage of Kunai flew her side with the intent of killing her after the random extra moved away.

Ryu "Wind Style : Great Wind Breakthrough"

Ryu made sure all the kunai flew towards Pakura became nullified.

While the random shinobi was still there, his head and body were separated by Ryu.

Pakura was stabbed with a poison Kunai, Ryu took her near a empty area and lit fire with dry leafs and branches.

Without her permission, He sucked some of the blood from the stabbed area of Pakura flesh and spited the blood in grass.

Later she was Band-aided with some medical herbs which also acts as antibiotic and poison resistance.

The next day,

Pakura opened her eyes, she was seeing a good senary of moist air, tall trees, and fresh air with rainbow "Is this heaven?"

Ryu "you didnt die though"

Pakura "Haaa" screamed.

Ryu was defense less, "I am an Ally, dont shout stupidly"

Pakura came to her senses.

Ryu "I am Uchiha Ryu from Konoha, I saved you from the Blood mist and poison they used, you may go to your village, it was nice meet you Pakura of Suna"

Pakura gave a vibe that she was a princess saved by the knight.

Ryu was about to leave,

Pakura "Thank you so much for saving my life"

Ryu "sayonara"

Ryu flicked away, and minded his own business after a good night rest.

Pakura "Uchiha Ryu, I will remember your kindness"

Ryu came to the Kiri officially.

Jonin Zabuza "Welcome, I would like to taste your blood"

Ryu "Same here"

Zabuza did not wait and used his Silent killing jutsu.

Ryu used Eye of mind and dodged it and with swift release smacked him in the neck making him unconscious.

The Fourth Mizukage is coming Yagura Karatachi.

Ryu "Greetings Mizukage, I am told to come here behalf of Danzo Shimura, as according to you to make me take part in sword selection ceremony"

Yagura "What the hell, your still alive?"

Ryu thought "This boy, is he under the influence of sharingan?"

Random shinobi "We are selected already"

Ryu "I was said to come here today and compete with them"

Random other shinobi "dont worry, we will test it now boy"

Ryu smirked for mentioning him "Boy"

Ringo Ameyuri "I dont like cowards, i think you will not flee of the battle"

Obito is seeing from the shadows, how much Ryu has improved.

Ryu did not activate his sharingan.

All the seven ninja swords man assembled.

Raiga "You I hate you, so there will be no Funeral for you"

Ryu pondered, "What's the matter with these individuals? I am an Uchiha, shouldn't they be afraid of me? Or perhaps their fear isn't substantial enough. If that's the case, then I'll instill a deep fear of the Uchiha name. I'll call it Uchihaphobia." Ryu chuckled aloud.

Kushimaru Kuriarare "we will settle thing's with Konoha, for the humiliation we faced in the third ninja war against Might Dai"

Kisame Hoshigaki came and looked at unconscious state of Zabuza.

Jinpachi Munashi came forward unleashing his Shibuki and done some explosion.

Anbu and other important clans surrounded the battle.

Mei thoughts "what a cute boy, it is sad to see him die today, my husband hunting despises to see such a cute uchiha boy die"

Mist start's to spread in the circle of Ryu.

As arrogant mist swordsman come forward for silent killing,

Kisame Pov:

What is that, two red dots in the mist?

Wait is that sharingan?

Mist lifted by itself without using any jutsu, Why?

Ryu's Sword engulfed by Blue flames, which are strong enough to melt a body but not mist? Fools.

Ryu could have defeated all of them with single glance with his sharingan or rampaging Isobu in Mist, but he is not that cruel.

Ryu made sure all the mist swordsmen go blind and slashed their eyes.

For that sake,

Ryu "You all wished for my eye didnt you, because of your stupid wish, you will have to go blind"

Ryu made the prestigious seven ninja sword's man blind and disguised himself as a beggar to gather intel on Kiri.

And roamed around the mist village in search of Yuki Haku and Kaguya Kimimaro.

After three days,

Ryu found a little girl Cough Boy aged less than three years, searching for food.

Ryu gave her bread "Here have this, it is fresh"

Ryu was sadden by looking at his pitful existance,

Ryu "I am Ryu, What is yours?"

Haku "I am Yuki Haku"

she initially was feared that she will be beaten if she told her clan name, to her surprise the man who gave her bread was Warm and comforting.

Ryu "Haku, If you come with me, we can leave this village and go some were which is warm and bright, were there is not much fight, what do you say?"

Haku "So, if i come with you, I will not be treated like garbage anymore"

Ryu "You will not be mistreated, I will assure you that and take responsibility for you"

Haku blushed, "Can I call you Nii-san"

Ryu "Sure, you should call me that, come let's move"

Haku followed Ryu blindly

Ryu saw a scene were, a boy with white hair seeing his own mass kin burning in a center of a house.

Ryu "What a luck"

The white haired boy came down,

Ryu "Hello, I am Ryu you are?"

The white haired boy was shocked "I am Kaguya Kimimaro"

Ryu "I am sorry Kimimaro, for your clan"

Kimimaro "No dont be, it is not like I care for them"

Ryu "Then what are you going to do now?"

Kimimaro "I dont know"

Ryu "Will you come with me, I will raise you well"

Kimimaro saw warmness behind that man's heart "OK"

Haku "Dont worry, Nee-san is a responsible man."

Ryu inserted chakra in both of them,

They got teleported to Konoha's gate.

Ryu "Haku and Kimimaro, look at me"

Kid's got confused were they are.

Ryu "I will clear by disguise"

Ryu showed his true face and body

Kimimaro "Are you a ninja too"

Ryu "Yes, I am a ninja, I came on a mission to Mist, but my heart wreaked to see innocent children suffering"

Kimimaro "I am not innocent, I have killed people before"

Ryu "I know"

Haku was surprised at his cool demeanor

Ryu "I am Uchiha Ryu from now I will be your Nii-san"

Kimimaro and Haku were first time seeing someone showing them kindness.

Both of them, Hugged Ryu tightly with tears flowing out.

Ryu found trace of human coming, it was Kakashi,

Kakashi "Ryu, the entire village is trying to find you, were did you go"

Ryu "it was a mission and it is classified, only Hokage and the elder's know about it"

Kakashi and Sengo sighed.

Sengo "who are they?"

Ryu "Well, my little brothers"

Kimimaro and Haku eye's gleamed.

Kakashi "Little brother's?"

Ryu "I want to talk to sensei after all"

Ryu carried both of them to the Hokage's office.

Ryu "Kimimaro and Haku stay here, when I call come inside"

They both said "OK"

Ryu went inside.

Minato "Ryu's what you have done, now Kiri are enrage because of you"

Ryu "So you knew everything and sent me there sensei as a scrape goat?"

Minato "What do you mean by everything"

Ryu explained everything to Minato about what happened and what was done.

Minato sweat dropped.

Minato "according to the report, you have went there and cowardly attacked them making all the ninja sword's man go blind and cutting the thumb for not making them wield a sword again"

Ryu "They held a 7:1 insane tornament, you could check my memories and can find if I am lying, and I want permission for some Orphans to stay permanently in Konoha"

Minato "Who are those children?"

Ryu "They are from Kiri, form reputed Yuki and Kaguya clan,"

Minato "What Yuki and Kaguya clan was erased from Yuki?"

Ryu "Yes, those poor children, I hope if the will of fire could melt their frozen heart"

Minato were out for his word's, Danzo pushed him enough to declare Ryu a rogue Ninja, to think he was a victim in here.

Minato "No, problem Ryu, so go and rest for a while and payment will be received shortly"

Ryu "I am Sorry sensei, I would like to prove myself first" Ryu activated his sharingan

@ Suna:

People "Welcome Hero of Sand Pakura! Pakura, Pakura!!"

Rasa, Chiyo and rest of the council were shocked to here his.

Chiyo "How could she come alive?"

There were knocks in the council room, it was monotone as the room filled with guilt and silence.

Pakura opened the door as she entered her demenor was changed.

Rasa "Welcome Pakura, how did the mission went"

Pakura glared straight to the Rasa's eye and knelled down "I am sorry the mission of giving my death body to Kirigakure failed on my own terms"

The council filled with Guilt.

Rasa "Raise, I am sorry Pakura for sending you like that, it was their demand, or they will wage war"

Pakura "If you had said me, I would have went willingly for Suna, but you and council betrayed my trust in you all, do you know what those shinobi said?"

Rasa "I am sorry, my actions, tell me"

Pakura "They said I was a small sacrifice and they will wage war more easily if Suna is not having me, Suna will be Under Kiri, that's what they said"

Rasa clenched his fist's and angered at his own foolishness.

Pakura "I was fated to die there, but a Leaf shinobi saved me and told me to go back, I am in dept to him"

Chiyo "How was that?"

Pakura "Uchiha Ryu"

Chiyo "What the divine dragon?"

Rasa was surprised to hear the name of Divine Dragon, he knows the current Suna is weak, so he needs trust-able allies like Konoha to defend the Iwa and Kiri's alliance.

A guard from eagle divison came to report,

Rasa "What"

Random Suna Shinobi "Kazekage sama, I got parcel from Kumo, addressed to Kazekage"

Rasa grabbed it and removed things

There was a letter addressed to Kazekage for Peace treaty.

The letter's were sent to Kiri, Iwa and Konoha too.

@ Konoha's Hokage Office:

Hiruzen, Koharu, Danzo and Homara along with Minato Namikaze the current Hokage.

Hiruzen "Ryu did you attend the competition"

Ryu "If I dare can you allow me to speak freely?"

Homara "Boy know your place, because you Kiri is warning us and intends to kill Konoha Shinobi on spot"

Ryu "Lord Third and Lord Fourth, let me Explain the details and check my memories from Kiri"

Hiruzen thought "yeah, why wasting time, let him speak, Kiri is not an innocent, it is wide known for it's treachery" and Spoke "Tell me Ryu, what happened"

Ryu "Lord third, thank you" Ryu explained thing's in detailed what he did and what was done, and added the image of Konoha, pressure on Danzo increases as suspicion on him increases from his friends.

Ionichi read the memories of Kiri detailed and sent a detailed report.

Hiruzen "What ever Uchiha Ryu said was true, it matches with what he said Danzo, why did you lie to us"

Minato "Ryu, you may go, please rest"

Ryu "Hokage sama, about the children"

Hiruzen "For now, let them stay with you, after that, I will show you to buy apartments for them, OK" Hiruzen said with a caring smile

Ryu "Hai" Ryu teleported.

Hiruzen "Did you know how Ryu asked place for those children?, he said that the will of fire wanted to melt their frozen hearts, he understands the will of fire very well, as expected from Minato's disciple"

Homara and Koharu accepts.

The council disperse.

Minato "Esteemed elders, a minute please"

Hiruzen "What happened Minato?"

Minato "Lord third, Ryu said thing's indirectly due to the respect of the elders, if I wanted to say I would have said this :Danzo Shimura gave false information fooling both Konoha's foolish Hokage and Elders for signing a Traitorous treaty with Kiri by killing a shining star of Konoha to make it's future worse:"

All the elder's were shocked.

Hiruzen "I can understand your pain Minato, your disciple has gone through a lot, I am really sorry, but what Danzo did is unforgivable"

Koharu "I dont like to say this but, if I were the Hokage I would have taken Danzo's seat"

Minato "..."

Hiruzen "..., Danzo sacrificing is shinobi's code, I understand but, it is foolish thing you ever made, knowing Kiri's past I dont know if your brains are working properly"

Danzo thoughts "Damn Hiruzen and Minato, once Orochimaru complete's his research, I will change totally invincible and sit in the seat of Hokage"

Minato Thought's "Shit, I am really incapable Hokage and Master, Ryu i am so sorry" Minato walking through the streets of busy night where he spotted Ryu and other two children eating Ramen.

Tenuchi "Welcome, Welcome Yondaime Hokage"

Minato "Ha, thanks for having me"

Minato gaze fell through Ryu and other two kids as they filled the seats of both left and right, Minato sat with Haku.

Ryu "Good evening Sensei", Minato waved his hand

Kimimaro "Nee-san is Hokage your sensei"

Ryu "Yes, he is"

Haku and Kimimaro "Wow, Nii-san you are great"

Minato "Ryu did you hurt yourself anywhere against Kiri swordsman?"

Ryu "No sensei, I am fine, Konoha was not still feared as it was feared in the time of lord first and second, we need to get thing's together and make Konoha powerful enough"

For Haku and Kimimaro those terms were new they looked at the mouth as Nii-san and Hokage spoke.

Minato "I will give you one week rest OK, rest well"

Haku and Kimimaro stomach are full

Ryu "Yes sensei and Congratulations"

Minato Blushed

Ryu "I am going to be Naruto's uncle after all"

Minato "How do you know, that name I never told Kushina even"

Ryu "I memorized your reaction when you read Naruto : Tales of a Gutsy Ninja by Jiraiya sama"

Minato thought "Just from that!"

Ryu "Good Night sensei, I hope you will provide them home soon tomorrow"

Minato "Yes"

Ryu "Come Haku and Kimimaro let go to home"

Haku "Yay!"

Kimimaro was happy to go