Chapter 10: The Right Path

(The flashbacks ended and it was another day at Tomoyuki High School. Several students were coming in to the entrance. Chen walked in as he adjusted his tie. Someone passed him, hits his shoulder and his bag fell)

???: Get out of the way

(Chen turned around and saw that it was Dyna and his boys)

DYNA: Unless you want to get beaten. (He looks at him with annoyance)

CHEN: (Pick up his bag) I don't want to fight you. You know what happened the last time.

(He left while the boys were shocked. Suddenly, Dyna hold Chen's shirt and punched him on the face)

DYNA: Yeah that was the last time (he freely adjust the hands that he used to punch Chen)

SPIKE: Do you want to die like a wounded soldier.

KEN: I guess he wants to. Why would you be calling that brat's name?

CHEN: He's not a brat. Remember he won the last time.

DYNA: The last time is the last time! (He said as he was about to give Chen another punch. Someone hold his hand to stop it)

???: Don't even try yourself Dyna.

(He turned and surprisedly it was Kaaru)

KAARU: I wouldn't do this to my best friend.

(Dyna looked at him surprised)

CHEN: Kaaru (as he beamed with smiles)

(Dyna let go his hand from Kaaru and sees that he is not afraid. He was surprised to see his face as he was bold. He couldn't understand what changed him all of a sudden)

DYNA: Kaaru. You are now the talk in this school. What happened? Why I'm I feeling as if I'm losing myself. (Kaaru didn't answered him). Why?! (He clenches his two fist) Hold yourself together and finish him off. Let me show myself what I'm really made of.

KAARU: (Became angry and remember about his emotions can control out fire and he thought) Don't use your powers Kaaru. Hold yourself (He said as he tries to cool his temper)

???: Stop right there. (The person leg was seen running. It seems it is a girl. Hiro was the one)

KAARU: Hiro.

HIRO: Hey Kaaru.

SPIKE: Huh Hiro. You are on their sides.

HIRO: I'm on everybody's side unlike you guys.

DYNA: Looks like you called your friends, Chen (Dyna became more angry)

KAARU: No he didn't we are his friends and we watched each others.

(Chen looked at Kaaru and smiled)

DYNA: Helping a friend in need, Tsk! So annoying.

(Someone from behind touched his shoulder)

???: It's that so (Dyna turned to the person and it was Yuuto) No wonder you aren't social.

DYNA: Yuuto.

YUUTO: I'm sorry Dyna. Looks like I'm not on your side anymore.

DYNA: (Reacted) What! (Same reaction goes to his friends)

YUUTO: I have to choose the path to follow. (Went to Kaaru's side)

KAARU: Thanks

YUUTO: (Looked at him and turned to the other side) Whatever (Kaaru then smiles)

KEN: What Yuuto does that mean...?

???: Yep. I told him the right thing.

(They turned and it was Eito)

EITO: He didn't believed until I told him who to follow and who not to.

KAARU: Eito!

SPIKE: Shit, they have join forces. What should we do now...?

DYNA: It's over (as he walked back to leave and turned to Yuuto) Why will you do such a thing? (then he left)

KEN: What! Just like that?

SPIKE: Don't tell me he's... already giving up. (So they left)

CHEN: I don't know how to appreciate you guys.

KAARU: You don't have to (stretches out his hand to lift him up)

CHEN: (He looked at his hand and smiled) Yeah (Hold his hand as he got up) Thanks guys especially you Kaaru, you have really changed.

KAARU: Oh I am. (as he tries to think)

CHEN: Yeah, you didn't know?

KAARU: I'm not sure.

CHEN: I better get going guys. Thanks once again (then he left)

HIRO: Wow your friend is really nice.

KAARU: Yeah, he is. I was surprised you guys could show up, this is amazing, seeing all of us united together.

YUUTO: I don't have time for this. (He left)

KAARU: (Thought) What was that all about? (He looked at him for a while and wondered why he doesn't same long with him or the other guys. He tries to figure out the reason why, before a chuckle)

HIRO: (chuckle) What's with the face?

KAARU: Is  there something wrong with my face.

HIRO: The way you stare at Yuuto made your face really changed.

KAARU: Oh... right.

HIRO: You're funny Kaaru (smiles as her eyes were close)

(Kaaru opened his eyes, looked back at her and started to blush)

EITO: (Interrupted) I hate to break it between the two of you but why is Dyna still threatening you?

KAARU: He didn't threat me, it was Chen. That's why I came to save him.

EITO: Okay. That's quite heroic.

KAARU: (He smiled like a devil) You think I would one day be a hero?

EITO: I can't say actually.

KAARU: Eito, what did you say to Yuuto that changes his mind to move to the right part.

EITO: Well...

                 (There was flashbacks)

(Yuuto and Eito were in class. Eito was seated on a chair while Yuuto stood facing him with his two hands on his pocket)

YUUTO: You said you want to see me that it's something important.

EITO: Yes.

YUUTO: Well hurry up already.

EITO: Well have a seat.

YUUTO: I'll be fine standing.

EITO: Okay. Now I want to tell you about Dyna...

YUUTO: (Hits the table angrily) I knew you will say something so annoying like this.

EITO: You know? I thought you will have change since you know.

YUUTO: I can't. I have to follow him.

EITO: Why?

YUUTO: Why the question? I assist him with his job and he pays me.

EITO: Bullying people. Tell me when are you going to stop?

YUUTO: Why are you the only student that is trying to stop me?

EITO: Because I hate bullying and you are the only person Dyna can used so easily because he pays you.

YUUTO: (He sighed) He's just my friend, that's all

EITO: I wouldn't call that a friend. If I were you, Yuuto, I wouldn't even want his friendship anymore. They could called fake friends, all they know they want to be respected from others. If he's like that to you, he doesn't care about you.

YUUTO: You are trying to end my friendship with him. That sucks!

EITO: I'm not forcing you anyway. It's your choice, Everybody have a path to follow. See you later

(He left and Yuuto looked at Eito who was walking)

YUUTO: (He thought) Does Dyna care about my friendship?

                     (End of flashbacks)

(Kaaru was surprised, he didn't know he could change Yuuto so fast like this. But one thing that didn't changed was his behavior and his character. He continues picking on the boy every time and he isn't a friend to him but he most times save him. So what would you call that type of friend)

EITO: One thing I noticed about him is that...

HIRO: He is a fake friend!

EITO: (Ignored her word) He only cares about himself, so I'm sure that he...

KAARU: Is a fake friend!

EITO: Why will you be saying that?

KAARU: He doesn't spent time with us and I don't know why he is like that. Those are fake friends.

HIRO: He isn't our friend.

KAARU: So why is he a friend to Dyna?

EITO: That's just his behavior. He movea to whoever he likes so that he can be strong.

KAARU: Strong? I defeated Dyna by avoiding his blows.

HIRO: You are a manipulator, your mania helps you to be strong.

KAARU: You think without my manias I'll be a weakling?

HIRO: That's who you are

KAARU: Huh! A weakling

EITO: (Looks at the time on his wristwatch) I have to go now (he left)

KAARU: Oh... See you later, Eito.

(After school, Hiro waved her hands to Kaaru as she was about to go home)

HIRO: Bye Kaaru

KAARU: Oh yeah. Bye (They both departed in different route and he begins to have thought) Wow I haven't talked to a girl like this. This is amazing. (He said as he was bursting with joy and he moved his body, yeah he was dancing. He turns to another path as he and Nate suddenly saw themselves)

NATE: (Looks at him suspicious) My instinct tells me that there's something strange about you.

KAARU: (Thought) Who is this guy?

NATE: (Brought out his sword and stood in position raising his sword) Why don't I check it out and let's have a little talk. Shall we?