Chapter 34: Mystical Powers and Friends IV

SHIN: Yeah, I'll do it.

(Takeyo balanced his fighting position while Kaneto turned his body into full metal, who also balanced his fighting position. Now the fight begins, The two friends ran towards him with a punch and Shin dodged that and gave Kaneto and Takeyo a punch with just one fist, making the two to slam themselves on a wall)

SHIN: That was just a test. I had been having this problem on my wrist earlier. (He said while balancing his wrist with a rotation) But luckily, it's okay. (The two looked at him surprised) What's the matter? Too scared to get up and fight an old man.

KANETO: (became angry as he got up to attack him and started to run towards him)

SHIN: So you are the first. (He dodged Kaneto's next blow and the other one. Like that and like that as Shin dodged all of Kaneto's blows with ease) Too slow. (And he kicks him, making Kaneto to blocked that with his two arms) Hmm something is odd.

KANETO: What's so odd when we haven't finished this! (Runs to attack him)

SHIN: (Yawns) What are you babbling about? (He said as the two engaged in combats fighting. Shin produces an energy from his fist and gave him a punch on his tummy and then a kick on his face)

TAKEYO: (Thought while looking at Shin surprised) Man, this geezer must gain a lot of experience in becoming a manipulator.

SHIN: Oh you are still there. Ain't you coming to have fun like what you said.

TAKEYO: (Thought) His fighting are magnificent and with his fighting prowess, that tells me that he's extremely a proficient martial artist. But that doesn't make me to fight effortlessly. (He said while balancing his fighting position)

(So Takeyo runs to attack him as the two engaged in hand to hand combats. Takeyo kicked him but Shin dodged and gave him a blow, making him to take a step backward. Takeyo then uses his power to lift him up in the air)

TAKEYO: Don't tell me you are scared of height.

SHIN: I didn't say that. But everyone has a reason to be scared. I'm just saying if you are like that.


SHIN: (Looked at Takeyo and then to Kaneto and had a thought) These two are not ordinary manipulators. That was the odd I was thinking. They have rare powers even though they didn't unleashed their chikara. For a manipulator to unleashed their chikara, they produce an energy that changes to uncommon elemental powers and they are different. That makes them to be known as diverse manipulators.

TAKEYO: Now kiss your ass to the ground. (He said as he slam him to the ground as dust erupted. After it cleared, Shin could be seen standing while the big hole could also seen on where he was standing, making Takeyo to be widened shocked and thought) How...?

SHIN: That was a perfect landing. You tried using your highest level of your gravitation to smash me and I ended without difficulty.

TAKEYO: Why are you so full of yourself.

SHIN: Because I refuse to be weak if my students are weak, so I am. If my students are strong, so I am. As long it was the same effort I still had on them.

TAKEYO: (didn't say anything as he was very angry and said this to Kaneto) Kaneto! Help me out so that we can kill this geezer!

KANETO: Yeah I know. (He said as he lifted up a truck with one hand and throws it to Shin, who was just staring at it coming towards him)

KAARU: Shin-sensei!

(And surprisedly, he sliced that using his power to divide it into two and it fell. Shin looked at them with a serious look, making Kaneto to be shock)

KANETO: Damnit, there's no way I can defeat this geezer. He's extremely got raw strength.

SHIN: (sigh) Aren't you tired of calling me that name. Besides I'm too old to be a grandfather. Well speaking of old, I may be wise to have this experience but that's not my secret. The secret of being strong is to always observe your surroundings. (Suddenly he moves in a flash, making the two to be surprised)

TAKEYO: Oh fuck!

KANETO: Where did he go?

SHIN: (And he was at their back as he said) If not, you may missed it.

(Kaneto heard that and turns back to give him a blow and Shin dodged that. Takeyo came to help Kaneto to attack him as the two fought against one with their incredible stunts)

(Now back to our protagonist and others, who were seen sitting and watching the fight)

KAARU: Shin is really doing great beating those guys up.

EITO: Yeah.

HIRO: And I can't believe this is my first time seeing him engaging in a fight.

EITO: Me too.

KAARU: (was surprised after hearing what Hiro said and Eito's response) But you guys became manipulators before me and how come you haven't seen him in a fight?

HIRO: Let's just say he goes out on his own and we wouldn't know if he had a fight.

KAARU: Well I can see he's good. (He said while looking at Shin giving them multiple blows and Kaaru was satisfied with that and had a thought) I'm glad that I found a great teacher.

(Shin punches them and he gave the last one which was a powerful one, making them to slam themselves on a building)

SHIN: Wasn't that very hard. They are already finished. (As he turned around to take a walk to meet his students)

(Suddenly Kaneto runs with speed, making Shin to turn back surprise)

SHIN: (Thought) He resisted that blow.

KANETO: Now die! (Gave him a punch but Shin dodged that while taking a few steps back)

SHIN: (Thought) He's always the first to get up to fight. Now I get it, his metal manipulation helps him prevent injuries. As he does that manipulation around his body, he doesn't feel pain again. But what might make him feel the pain. (As he produces a power from his hand and said) Lava manipulation. (And blasted it on Kaneto. After that, steams could be seen from his body but he didn't die, making Shin to be shock)

KANETO: What a wise old man. (As he runs and the two started fighting hand to hand combat. Kaneto gave him a blow and Shin blocked that and gave him a blow, making Kaneto to go back a little)

(Shin was panting and looks at Kaneto, who also looked at him)

KANETO: (Thought) So that elemental power was the lava manipulation. It melts any surfaces of the earth. But good thing I was able to resist that and that wasn't easy. (He said while making a smile on his face)

(Shin started to balance his fighting stance as Kaneto jumps up to give him a smash. But Shin started to control out fire which turned into a whip and tied his leg and threw him away, but Kaneto resist his leg and holds the flaming whip and drag it towards him and gave him a blow, slamming him to the ground)

SHIN: Wow you took me down at last, Mr. Metal man.

KANETO: And I'll make sure it would happen again.

SHIN: Bring it. (While balancing his stance and suddenly blasted out fire on him as he slams himself to a building)

KANETO: I didn't see that coming. (He said as he looked at Takeyo, who watched the fight) Takeyo isn't ready to help me. I'll kill him after I'm done with this man. (As he looked at Shin and got up)

SHIN: (Looks at the sun shining bright and had a thought) The sun has arrived. Well I guess I'll end it here. Playtime is over. (He said as an aura surrounded him, making everyone who watched it to be surprised)

HIRO: Woah! So that's his chikara!

KAARU: Why I'm I feeling this weird thing on my body?

EITO: Goosebumps?

KAARU: Yeah.

SHIN: Now it's over. Sol manipulation! (Then had a thought) This help me get my chikara from the sun. (when joining his two hands together, a blast came out from his two fingers creating something like a ball) The power of the sun, something of a mix of fire and light.

(Kaneto looked at it surprised and as he was about to move to attack him, he couldn't move again)

KANETO: What? I can't move. (As he tries to move, Shin controls Kaneto as he forcefully makes him kneel down making the ground to make a hole)

SHIN: There's no escaping from my gravitation. (He said, making Takeyo to be surprised and Shin had a thought) The Sol manipulation also involve gravitation, since I'm able to manipulate all aspects of the sun starting from his immense heat, luminosity, gravitational field and raw nuclear energy

TAKEYO: No! Stop!!!

(So Shin blasted it on Kaneto's stomach penetrating it as it finally passed out, making a hole in it)

TAKEYO: Kaneto. (He said while he saw that surprised. And then he fell to the ground as he was finally dead)

(And as for Shin, he kneels down while panting and was feeling weak and thought)

SHIN: (Thought) The Sol manipulation weakens the user because he gathered all his energy and mixed it to form the power of the sun. I shouldn't have used that.

TAKEYO: (looked at Kaneto's dead body and said) Rest, my idiot friend. (And looked at Shin, who was kneeling panting and then got up to his feet)

SHIN: One down one to go.

TAKEYO: Yay!!! (He yelled while gathering everything surrounding him and threw it to Shin and he dodged that)

(Shin ran to him as the two started to fight hand to hand combat. Shin punch Takeyo and then at his stomach, making him to take a step back. Takeyo was still angry and lifted up a car and threw it to him. Shin sees that coming towards to him and jumps and kicks the car with his two leg and it hits him, slamming him to a building)

(Takeyo removed the car that was on him and sees Shin walking towards him)

TAKEYO: I will kill you! (As he uses the damage car parts to create a spear, which were lunging to him)

(Shin dodged all of that as he was coming close to him and gave him a punch, making him to fall to the ground)

SHIN: (looked at him, who was still lying on the ground in pain and said) You tried man. You fought well like never before.

TAKEYO: How do you become so strong?

SHIN: The answer is pain. You see, pain makes a person strong and that's what you did. So would you like to join your friend? Although the pain would disappear.

TAKEYO: ... I... I have been friends with him since highschool and till now, we remain the same. So as friends we are close and even though we die... We die together... So (as he made a smile on his face) I'll like to join him.

SHIN: Very well. (While squatting and touches Takeyo's left shoulder) Any last word?

TAKEYO: No. I'll be fine without saying any word. Just do it.

(So Shin produces out lava from when he touches Takeyo's shoulder, making him to feel the pain as he was melting)

(Kaaru and his friends saw that as they were surprised, but Kaaru was surprised the more)

(After that was over, Shin stood up and looked at them, who were also surprised while staring at him)

SHIN: You're welcome. (While closing his eyes as he smiled)

(Later, it was evening as they were seen walking together)

SHIN: You all did well fighting those two.

HIRO: But you didn't watched us. And I didn't do anything but at least I was useful.

KAARU: I did most of the offense in fighting the metal man.

EITO: And I helped you.

SHIN: (made a smile)

HIRO: Oh that's my house. (She pointed and begins to run home) See you tomorrow.

EITO: (phone started ringing and he picks it up) Hello mum... Alright... I'm on my way. (End the call) I'll see you tomorrow then. (He said as he left)

KAARU: Alright. Shin you are really strong?

SHIN: Oh maybe that was your first time seeing me in a fight.

KAARU: Yeah.

SHIN: But it takes time for a person to fight like that. Since I was in a martial arts school, I spend a month there. So that makes me a fast learner.

KAARU: I see. So what did you wanted to buy?

SHIN: I was out of alcohol bottles in the fridge, so I decided to buy two crates. Hope that would reach me for a week? (He said looking at Kaaru in a comical defeat look)

KAARU: Hehehe totally. (While making a facial expression) But you don't get drunk, do you?

SHIN: Nah. It's hard for me to even feel pains in my lungs if I smoke.

KAARU: What?!

SHIN: I was born without experiencing pains. But after my wife and daughter died, now I know what pain really is. (And this made Kaaru to look sad) But anyway (as he decided to let that go) What would you be doing when you get home? Eat dinner, take a rest?

KAARU: I wouldn't be home on time. I want to see Yuuto. (And this made Shin to look at him, no longer in a funny look) If Yuuto could be strong one day, so would I.

SHIN: I didn't mean to insult him that way. All I know is that once anger consumes a person, they would be totally reckless making them to be totally weak not observing their surroundings. Yuuto is strong? Yes. And hopefully he would one day surpass you.

KAARU: That wouldn't happen. (He said in a comical defeat way)

SHIN: Hahahaha! So you better start training. You four are strong and I'm proud of it like that.

KAARU: Yeah. Thanks Shin. (He said as he runs) I'll see you tomorrow. (While still running)

(This made Shin to smile and goes a shop to buy the crate of drinks. After buying it, he walks home and was stopped by some group of gangs about six in numbers on his way. Shin turned round as he was surrounded and they brought out their guns to attack him. Shin saw the leader, who brought out a different weapon and it was a sword and holds it inclined)

SHIN: Nice sword.

(This made the leader to look at him confused)

(Meanwhile, Tan and Yu saw the dead body of Takeyo and Kaneto as they looked at them in a comical defeated look)

YU: It's already over. Maybe some people must have defeated them.

TAN: (He said while tapping Takeyo's body which was already strong due to the burning and then turned to dry magma. He looked at the cause of their death and noticed that they were killed by the same element and said) Not just some people, but one man.

YU: Huh, but who?! (While surprised)

(Time skip to Shin, who was already walking home as the sword was strapped at the side and to the gangs, they were already beaten by him)

(Back to Kaaru, who was at the door of Yuuto's house. He begins to knock at his door but no answers, he tries again and same thing and he had a thought)

KAARU: (Thought) I should give him time to rest. Maybe he's still upset. (After that Kaaru left and from the window upstairs, Yuuto looks down and saw Kaaru taking his leave)

[Meanwhile in Miyagi, Japan]

[At Sendai Train Station]

??: I need a ticket to Tokyo. (The person said as his face wasn't seen but wears a green jacket and a headset hanged around his neck)

LADY: Okay give me a moment. (She said while typing something from the computer) Name?

??: Takashi Hasegawa.

LADY: Alright. Here you go. (She said while giving him the ticket)

TAKASHI: Thank you. (Then a voice from a speaker came up)

"All passengers boarding to Tokyo is already set. Those boarding to Kyoto has been delayed by 2 hours!"

TAKASHI: Finally. (He said while entering the train taking him to Tokyo and the train zoom off)

(Inside the train, Takashi wears his headset while learning to music as he reads a blog on his phone about the hero, XO who have save my lives in the city of Tokyo. He was surprised as he knows the hero and suddenly his phone started to ring as he picks it up)

TAKASHI: Hello Uda... Yeah I'm on my way... Alright... But first (He said as his face was now revealed a boy with a black bang hair, who started to smiled) Do you know which school XO attends?

Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed this arc?