Chapter 8: Even if he's scared?

[Chapter 8: Even when he's scared?]

"I'm her ally(partner)!" I yelled at them while holding on to Haruka-san.

The three guys weren't your typical "I have a boyfriend" walk away stereotypes so introducing myself as her ally was useless. Not like I intended it to work though...

The front guy amongst the three drunk men got angry and decided to get violent.

"Don't give me that crap!"

When the guy was to throw his fist, I easily averted his punch. I whispered to his ear, "Slow."

I grabbed his arm that he throws, turn myself around and used his momentum to do a shoulder throw and slam him on the ground. 

"Hey, you! You cant do that to our friend!"

As the other two guys were preparing to charge, I grabbed Haruka-san's hand, dragging her and ran as fast as we can.

"Hey stop right there!"

The reason why I pulled Haruka-san earlier is because it would be too difficult to run if we were backed in a corner. Now that our position is no longer trapped, we could now freely escape and run away.

As we were about to lose them, Haruka-san tripped and lost her balance, which I noticed so I tried to brake her fall.

The drunk guys who were after us caught up soon after.

"There's no running from us you little sh!ts!"

Haruka-san closed her eyes out of fear, shivering as I held her protected in my arms.

I said with a smug grin, "Are you sure you want to do that here?"


I shouted.


I yelled and called out for the guards and the drunk guys realized what they just have done.

The reason why no one was helping Haruka-san earlier was because the place she was being surrounded was a secluded area of the town (because the photo studio was placed in a secluded space on purpose), so I figured we ran to a place with a lot of people passing by.

I purposely brought them to a place where there are many patrolling guards around and have many people as witnesses.

The guards rush to come to our aid and arrest the three guys who were chasing us, the one's harassing Haruka-san.

"It's alright now." I assured Haruka-san

Opening her eyes slowly, she was greeted with my face close to hers, personal space was now almost non existent. 

"Are you okay?!"

Haruka-san quickly asked if I was fine. I didn't really got hurt in anyway other than from the fall. If there's anything I'm concerned about it should be her.

"I think so, how about you?" I replied and inquired if she was okay also.

"Thanks to you."

She said while smiling.

"Good... um... Haruka-san... can you get off of me now?"


Haruka-san seemed to forgot that she's still laying on top of me. Her face turned red as soon as she realized and flusteredly tried to stand up quick. However, she lost her balance and fell even more making our face closer, making her face turned more embrassed and flustered as a result.

'This is so embarrassing...' is what Haruka-san thought of this situation. 'However, even though he saved me... I know he's just the same as the others.'

When Haruka-san finally regained her composure, she tried to look away from my face, and her eyes ended up looking on my hands.

Taking a closer look at my hands, she noticed that they were shaking.

'He's shaking? He saved me even though he was scared..?'

Actually, I could probably take on those three guys in hand to hand combat easily. Just by their unstable walking and irrational decision making. I could confidently say I would win.

I was just trying to take Haruka-san somewhere safe. I plan to come back into my Phantom attire but she suddenly slipped so I tried catching her.

About the reason why my hands were shaking. During the fall, Haruka-san's knee accidentally hit me in the crutch, right now I'm trying to suck in the pain and stay silent about the matter. Because, it would have been uncool of me as a shadow hero, getting hit on the crotch specially in such a cool situation like this.

When Haruka-san finished gathering her thoughts, she asked the question,

"Why did you save me?"

She inquired with a serious expression on her face as if trying to confirm something important.

She was thinking.

'Why would he put himself in danger just like that?'

When Haruka-san started gathering fame, she noticed that people around her suddenly changed. She has met various kinds of people who only approached her because of her name, however, she didn't think that there was anyone who would risk themselves being in danger just like the person in front of her did. So she would like to know the reason why.

[Haruka's history with people up until now only has intentions of getting closer to her because of her face, and fame that she has holds through her profession. With the fame that begins to follow her, people started to change at the way they treated her, as though they began to harbor hidden intentions.]

[By meeting various kinds of people, Haruka-san developed the ability to read through peoples intentions. However...]

"Of course I'd save you. You're my partner(ally) after all." I replied with a confident tone.

By "partner" I meant "training partners" to become the perfect side character to plend in the crowds. I thought that we mutually know that but that wasn't really the case.

'He did all that just because... we're partners..?' Haruka-san was left dumbfounded

She tilted her head, not sending anything hidden behind those words I gave to her.

'Is this a new pick up line I haven't heard of?' Haruka-san wondered, assessing 'He even looks like he thinks he's so so cool too...'

"Pfft... what kind of cheesy line is that? I don't get it hahaha"

Haruka-san started laughing and chuckled at my answer, thinking it was a cheesy pick up line. Though she did feel the sincerity of my words.

"But I'll have to admit. You were pretty cool back there."

She thought my delivery of the line was cringe, but somewhat a bit cool at the same time.

"So that means-"

"Sorry, but I think we should know each other better before you say something like that."

"?!.." we're not allies?

I was confused. Did I just get rejected? (as an ally)

The store owner rushed to the scene confirming if we're alright the moment he caught wind of the comotion.

We went to the police station and explain what happened in detail. Everything was resolve and the three men was heavily charged by their actions. With the help of Mr. Muscular Owner, ther were given maximum charges for what they did.

[And so, the first day of the Chuuni's training ended, with Haruka's heart skipping a beat, and the Chuunibyou that we follow being disappointedly sad because he realized he just assumed they were comrades in arms.]

[On the bright side he was able to fight bad guys so he took it on a positive note]