Chapter 21: Just exchanging notes.

[Chapter 21: Just exchanging notes.]

The bell rang and lunch ended.

Mocha-san and I walked back to the classroom together.

I don't know why, but for some reason, the other boys are staring daggers at me.

It was probably because I came in at the same time Mocha-san did, so they are most likely assumed we ate together(which we did) thinking how nice it would be to eat with a girl. I didn't really think much of it.

The time we got back to the classroom, the bell just rang so there isn't much time for a crowd to form. For now, we are safe for questioning.

The teacher for this period arrived and class proceeds.

As class is proceeding, I'm still putting phase two to test to further my perfect sidecharacterization act.

I abandoned the listlessly looking outside the window to just looking bored during class.

This time, I was looking straight at the front with an aloof look, slouching on my back so my neck doesn't hurt as much as it did when I was facing the window.

Mocha-san on the side seemed to be preoccupied, writing on a piece of paper on her table.

'Hm... What should I write?'

It looks like she was giving a lot of thoughts on what she was going to write on the paper.

In the middle of class, a hand with a note poking me on the side, trying to get my attention. It was Mocha-san trying to hand me a folded piece of paper.

She was giving it as if she was saying "take it".

I took the folded piece of paper out of her hand, and.... then tried giving it to the person in front of me.

"N-no! Stop!"

Mocha-san accidentally let out a voice from surprise. She didn't expect I would try passing it on to the person in front of me.


The teacher cleared his throat in a very obvious manner as if to say "be quiet" to the person who let out that voice just now.

Her face turned red and stayed put, behaving herself out of embarrassment from her blunder.

She looked at me pouting having a somewhat annoyed glare.

'You did that on purpose didn't you.'

Is what she though. She still recognizes me as a trouble making delinquent so she thought I was teasing her. Just like the devious male leads in shoujo mangas who like teasing the female lead.

'Was I not supposed to pass this?' I thought to myself.

It has been a while since the last time someone tried passing me a note. So I wasn't expecting it was meant for me.

[Being avoided / has no seatmates on the back before.]

When the teacher turned his back, continuing with the lesson as he wrote on the boardz Mocha-san leaned closer and whispered.

"O, open it."

'So it was for me...?'

I unfolded the note, and what's written inside was "Let's eat together again sometimes?"

I tried to think of a response that a too cool to even care type of character would say.

I handed back the note to Mocha-san. She opened it and the answer that I wrote under her message was "Do as you please, it's not like I care..."

'How about that?! Do I look like someone who lack the least bit of care now? Kukuku.'

After she finished reading my reply. She then giggled.

'He didn't say I shouldn't. What a dishonest delinquent.'

She took my words as "I don't care but I don't mind if you come."

She thought I was just being dishonest with myself and actually wanted her to come by not denying her.

She gave me a note again. Written under my answer, a new question was being asked, it says "What' the next class?"

It was Mocha-san's way of making small talks.

'This is exiting. This is the first time I tried secretly exchanging notes as class is proceeding. I feels like I'm doing something naughty, but I want to keep it going.'

I simply kept it short and answered "P.E."

The note came back again. "You can ask me anything. Don't worry, I won't expose your secret(trespassing)."

I looked at her and she gave me a thumbs up with her eyes sparkling with of purest intentions.

'Oh, yeah... She already knows my secret identity.' [The hood incident.]

Remembering that she already knows, might as well use this to my advantage on becoming the perfect side character.

'She already knows so I don't think it would hurt too much if I asked for her opinion.'

I hand her back the note. "Do you think I look like the perfect side character in a highschool setting?"

She looked at me, analyzed my appearance, and thought back on every interaction that happened between us until now.

[Conclusion: A hot delinquent male lead.]

She gave me her reply and what she wrote was."Not the slightest" thinking 'You're the perfect character for a male lead role.'

"Eh...?!" I said aloud, reading that "not even the slightest." response.

Reading her fedback. I placed my hand on my chin, in thought.

'So Phase two is a failure too, huh...'

If she responded so blunt and harsh like that, it could only mean the second phase of Operation: Generic Student Character was totally a miss.

I guess it's time to move on with phase three of being a generic student character.

Code Name: [Operation BETA].

'Let phases three of being a generic student character commence'