Chapter 40: A shadow hero's tragedy.

Walking through the hallways, it has become noticeable that there are a handful of students strolling around campus during class hours.

Because the teachers are likely to be gone for the rest of the day, they figured it would be alright as long as no one causes trouble enough for the teachers' attention.

By this time, a number of students are scattered around from the lack of supervision. Some are just leisurely looking around, some whose plans are to go to the cafeteria, and some just wanted to get a breather outside of the classroom.


Some time passed, and I can still feel Mocha-san's stare from a distance.

'Alright, so far [Presence Concealment] hasn't been detected yet.'

Ever since I activated my [Presence Concealment], in contrast to when I was wearing my "Phantom Attire" or "Perfect Side Character Mode", with "Background Character Mode" my presence had been significantly lowered and no one has batted an eye on me ever since I exited the classroom.

[Presence Concealment] is a skill which lowers one's presence. By using the eyeless background characters in anime as a base, combining it with people in real life with low presence(for example, people like Mocha-san) as a blueprint, I created "Background Character Mode" which has the ability to roam around anywhere without being taken noticed.

By using this skill, you can lower attention from other people even from people you may have already known.

I invented this skill in the past when I tried to hone how I can become a perfect shadow. I was so impressed by those people who can weaken their presence passively. They can just walk in front of you and you won't even notice they had already passed by, as though they were just a glimpse of a shadow.

Observing them closely, I study their habits, posture, and the way they walk to imitate how they can weaken their own existence.

[The boy compliments(dissing) those people who possess such weak presence within a crowd. Note: People with low self esteem.]

And so, using [Presence Concealment], no one has batted an eye or even taken any form of interest towards me thus far.

'Kukuku. As expected, [Presence Concealment] is working quite soundly, or should I say soundlessly, kuh wha ha ha ha.'

'Now, to the real matter at hand.'

After confirming skill [Presence Concealment] was active, I switched my attention to Mocha-san to confirm if she was still there.

'She's still following. Good. Now then, let operation: "shadow hero's tragedy" commence.'

After confirming Mocha-san's presence, it's now time to move on to the next phase of showcasing the beauty of being a shadow hero.


Walking through the hallway, I witnessed a guy who threw his trash in the bin. However, he ultimately misses making his wrapper fall to the floor. The person who threw the plastic just simply walked away and couldn't even be bothered to properly dispose of his trash like a decent person would.

And I'm pretty sure that Mocha-san, who's been stalking me since earlier witnessed it happening in real time too.

'There it is! An event!'

Is what I was thinking, as though I was anticipating for something like this to happen from the start.

Minding Mocha-san's eyes who've been watching me so diligently from the start, while no one was looking, I picked up the piece of trash and disposed of it by putting it in the trashcan.

'He clean up after the other guy's mess. That's, good...'

Keeping the environment clean is always good according to Mocha-san.

'Kukuku. With this, I can set an example for all the shadow heroes out there. Gaias would be proud.'

Knowing my intentions, every time I encountered trash on the floor, I simply picked it up and put them where they belong, in the garbage can.

But the main focus was not the act itself, but when and how I did it.

You see, every time I picked up trash and threw it in the garbage can, it was at a time when no one was looking.

'Now he's voluntarily cleaning the hallway? ...Is Yukiya-kun perhaps, a clean freak?'

Is what Mocha-san assumed, seeing me clean the hallways when I encountered random trash on the floor.

Walking through the halls some more, a girl that came out of the bathroom stepped out with toilet paper stuck under the soles of her shoe.

The girl has yet to notice that fact, every step that she makes was noticeable from how the tissue under he feet flailing on her track. If ever she was made aware of this, I bet she would be embarrassed upon realizing.

And so, as the girl walks, I matched the girls phace, tailing her from behind in arm's length.

Closing the distance where the girl is now in reach, I then stepped on the exposed part of the tissue freeing it from sticking under her shoes. 

'He probably just saved that girl from humiliation.'

Again, while walking through the halls some more. This time, I saw a student that has a sticky note with the written word "idiot" stuck to his back. 

It looked like it was placed by his friends and was regarded as a harmless plank.

Without even the student noticing, I secretly took off the sticky note off of that student's back.

'He probably saved that student from being teased later on.'

Mocha-san was too focused seeing what I did and gloss over the point I was trying to show her, which was that fact that no one was around to bear witness to the kind actions that I have been displaying till now.

Well, the typical person wouldnt be aware of their surroundings to that extent. Mocha-san is just a normal person after all.

'Kuhahaha. Are you impressed my stalker. Seeing me do these unnecessary selfless acts of kindness that would never be rewarded nor be recognized by the world. Doesn't that just sound so tragic. Kukuku, this is what a silent hero looks like. This is my shadow hero's tragedy! Kukuku Kha ha ha ha ha!'

[A shadow heros character trait: Doesn't seek recognition for what he thinks is just.]

Because doing something good but no one even got to know it even happened, doesn't that just sound so tragic and cool at the same time.

'This was unexpected... This guy is unexpectedly, super kind!'

Mocha-san who's seeing me do all this random act of kindness saw me in a new light.

'Maybe the demon prince is just a really kind person after all.'