The days had passed in a whirlwind of intrigue. Andromeda kept playing the part of perfect princess. Her innocence was a mere façade, a mask she wore expertly to conceal the malevolence that simmered beneath the surface. After all, she had only gotten so emotional due to her past experiences, or else, she was a sly fox. And now, that she was slowly able to suppress those boiling emotions in her heart.
The emotions were there, she hadn't forgotten nor did she plan on forgiving anyone but for now she was bidding her time. Nothing could be achieved overnight. She had all the patience in the world when it came to tormenting those people. This is why she hadn't tried to make any moves regarding the issue with Sylvette.
For almost two weeks, the LeBlanc situation had been the center of attention. Andromeda watched the chaos unfold with thinly veiled satisfaction.