Chapter 7: END Run

Back to Marionville at Mr. Thomas' house, some group of people were searching at his house while some were securing the house outside with their guns on their hands. They scattered his cupboards and shelves as Roy Dermot came in.

"So he thinks he can run away, huh?" He said as he brought out a packet of cigarette and opened one, he grabs a lighter, and lights up.

"Sir, we couldn't find anything." A man said.

"And there goes my money. I suppose that's how these people behave in this village, but seriously don't they know I have the right to take my brother's place." He said as he blows out the cloud. "This village is so tiresome, always the same ritual. I wonder if this was the village he founded. He gives time to the village to satisfy them and not enjoying himself." He said.

"Sir for what I was thinking, he must have left some months ago." The man said.

"Thomas. He must have know that I'll be coming. I gave him one week, then I change my mind and waited for months, he is so rational to make decisions, but first do you know where he went to?" Roy said.

The man check his tablet, "I will check the whole areas" he said as he views the map of the village and tries to locate where Thomas was and he did as he said,"He is at a safehouse located in this village, but it's really far from here. By vehicle, it's going to take a day to get there."

"I don't care if it takes forever, all I want is to get my bread. I want to eat it." He said as he crushes the cigarettes with his shoe.

Suddenly, gunshots were heard outside as they were under attacked by aliens. The men shoot their guns as one of the alien killed the first one.

"Sir we are under attack" a man said as he hits the door trying to make them open it.

"Oh do you want to come it?" Roy said as he walks forward to the man. "Let me give you an advice: every man is put to death as long you will leave in hell."

The man was shocked and said, "Sir how could you?"

"I don't want to argue with you. Enjoy the rest of your life." He said as he left.

"No! Noo!. Open up! Please! " the man shouted and suddenly, they all lunge and bite his flesh as they were eating it. He screams and kicked wildly.

"Now can we start going. We will go out from the back." Roy said while his men were afraid.

"Why are you all looking at me like that, do you want to end up like your friend." He said angrily.

"No sir!" They said in dismay.

They took through the backdoor and quickly, drove up with their cars. Roy was relieved while he brought out a lighter to light up the cigarettes on his mouth.

There was flashback as it takes to where the students were in class while their class teacher was teaching them about the extraterrestrials.

"They have a rare skeleton type. From the neck to the toe lies to have a very strong bones that's why when you shoot from any part of that region, the bones wouldn't break, they are indestructible while the head happens to be exoskeleton." as he shows them the diagram he drew on the board. "Only strong rays and bullets would be able to penetrate it, breaking the entire skull. So that is their weak spot."

The flashback ended as group A: Jim Bradford, Miki Darren and Nadia Darren were on the move they went to the ground level. Jim Bradford who happens to be the leader instructed them to wait behind after seeing a door, he move forward as he walks slowly and opened it as his ray gun was pointed and the top was a flashlight helping them to find their way, searching round if there will be aliens. So he gives them an hand sign, telling them there's nothing.

"I want you guys to check everywhere. They must be hiding." Jim instructed as the two siblings nodded their heads and started searching. Suddenly, an alien jumped up to attacked Nadia, she was about to use her gun but the alien hit it. Miki was surprised and he shot the alien's head, as blood splash in the air. Nadia felt irritated after seeing the brain crushed.

"You are welcome" Miki said as he stretches out his hands to lift her up.

"Thanks, but I didn't needed your help by the way" she said as she got up by herself and left.

"Why did Chief choose me and sister in the group?" He sighed as he left.

Now to group B: Walter Lapick, Saito Graham and Dawn Horace were at the second floor. They walked slowly, peering into the glass windows just to be careful. Saito sniffed his nose.

"That smells strange. It must be the aliens." Saito guesses.

"No they are not" Walter said as he adjusted his glasses, he is group B leader and shows them, they were humans dead on the floor, with their body eating and chopped halfway. Dawn felt nauseous; but nausea ceased as soon as he turned away her face from it.

"Employees and clients." He covers his nose and squatted to see the dead bodies carefully.

"Hey Walter, aren't you feeling it irritating?" Saito asked as his covers his nose with his two palms.

"It's your first time seeing dead bodies. I don't want to talk much, maybe it's your first time becoming a soldier." Walter said.

"That means you were once a soldier?" Saito surprisedly said.

"I said I don't want to talk much." He said as he looked at the three dead bodies and thinks. "I see."

"What do you see?" Dawn asked him, not looking at him because of the dead bodies.

"Some of these aliens eat leaving the head, while some leaving the torso and some the brain. That means they didn't come to this world as a same species, they are different having different uniques and habits. To be sure, same species of aliens eats the same body parts-" Walter said as he got up while hearing something. "We better get going. They are coming." He said as six aliens came.

"Yeah I know that" Dawn said as she brought out her gun same with the two guys pointing their guns to the approaching aliens.

"Let's do this!" Walter demanded.

"Right!" said Saito and Dawn.

To group C: Yuki Masaaki, Hilda Elroy and Desmond Jeremy the three walked slowly as they peer with their keen eyes.

"Man, this place is disgusting." Hilda said in groans.

"Quiet Hilda. We need to find the supplies." Yuki said, he is group C leader.

"Just because you are the leader, doesn't mean you can talk back at me." Hilda said.

Yuki didn't answered and he trips close to a door which was opened halfway as he found something, he saw a dead man without a head and he was shocked.

"A man." Yuki thought. "He's a soldier but this isn't a STARs uniform" as he looked at the uniform.

"His name is Osanu Lorain" Hilda said. He is PDS intelligent soldier, quick cognitive capacity and critical thinking are in his head, that's why the general used him as his partner to investigate this incident."

"What" said as Yuki was surprised.

"He has been working as that post for over six years. Death has an ending as the time stops counting." She said.

Yuki looked at him for a while and replied, "Yeah."

Jeremy perceived something as he points his gun to Hilda. Yuki was surprised same with her. "Hey what do you think you are doing?" Yuki said with shock. He didn't listen as he shoots his gun and Hilda screams. The birds were seem as they flew to the sky. Yuki was shocked while Hilda opens her eyes. Surprisedly, the ray was shot on an alien who was at her back, she turns back and saw it and the alien's head burst and fell down. Yuki looked at him and remember the guy's face and what Tyler said to him during their training after they saw him.

"I have been watching him for a couple of days and I see that he's good." Tyler said.

"Yeah... He's really good" Yuki said

Hilda was surprised and turns to Jeremy, "Thank you." She said as she was relieved. But he didn't answer back to her, he just left and she was confused. "Hey I'm I not talking to you?" She said as he waves her hand.

"Forget Hilda looks like he doesn't talk" Yuki said as he touches her shoulder.

"If you think so, I don't think the STARs can ever being an handicapper?" She said.

"I can't say, Hilda-" He was Interrupted as he saw Jeremy shooting the aliens with speed and with ease. He brought out two pistols as he wasn't satisfied using his ray gun. He shoots them, reloads it and continues and at the end, he was done.

"Well he can also help us-" she said as he turned and didn't see Yuki. "Yuki?"

"Wow, you were really amazing." Yuki said as he jumps up and down. "I really love this your pistols, it looks like a desert eagle...wait I got a perfect name for you. Eagle eye, how is that one?"

"Nice." Jeremy finally answered him and Yuki and Hilda were surprised as they were happy.

To the group D: Moulton Grey, Joey Lawson and Bethany Ferguson. The three were searching, peering everywhere and Moulton stomach started to grumble.

"My tummy is calling for food." He said as he touches it.

"You are such a fat pig" Beth said; she is the group D leader.

"He's not a fat pig, he just like food, that's all." Joey said.

"Yes I know he likes food, but try doing something useful rather than that. Imagine going for a war, and a soldier will be hungry, that doesn't make sense, you starts with preparation. I know before this mission, you ate much food that your tummy can contain." She said while Moulton was surprised. "Don't lie I saw you by the way. I wonder how you end up becoming a soldier and accepting this mission." She added.

Moulton felt ashamed of himself, touches his tummy and had a thought, "Well buddy looks like you can't eat what you want."

Surprisedly, Joey stretches out his hand to give him a snack wrapped in sachet, "Take you can eat some." He said while Moulton was surprised. "Come on, you can have some."

He said stretching it close to him. Moulton grab it from him after hearing his grumbling stomach and opens it forcefully and eats like a hungry lion. "Mphmm Mhm Mmm" He said with the snack on his mouth.

"Eat, then talk you silly pig." She said looking at him angrily.

"Thank you, Joey" Moulton said as he swallows the remaining one in his mouth.

"Don't mention it, Moulton." Joey said. He turned to Bethany, "What was that for Beth? He's just hungry." He said.

"Isn't he not a pig? He doesn't act like a STARs. Only with him is food. One day he will soon end up in the Daily Hunt. Moulton Grey, aged sixteen was arrested of stealing a package of noodles. The accused said he hadn't eating for days when policemen found out that it was a lie after seeing some sachets of snacks and sticks from a grilled steak and meatballs on his pocket." She said.

"That can never happened. Moulton likes to eat, yes and he does that to live too." He said.

"Who says about living, fat pigs ain't supposed to be in STARs. They should rather died than becoming a fool to themselves." She said as he left.

"What's her own problem?" He said in a low tone, and Moulton touches his shoulder.

"No need to bother yourself, It isn't my first time being insulted like this. It happens all the time, whenever I go. People insulted me just because of my fatness and because of that I became their punching bag. There's no need for my help. I don't care the way I am." He said as he brought out his ray gun, "and I don't care the job I do. I'm a soldier and that's all. Hey Joey, let's finished this job quickly and get out of here." He added as he left. Joey looked at him and grins, "Yeah" and followed him.

To group E: Winifred Douglas, Tyler Kieran and Edna Thompson were seem shooting aliens and they were done.

"That's the last of them" Winifred said.

"There will still be more ahead. Don't think this is the end." Edna said.

"Yeah. Let's get the job done." Tyler said with a grinned look on his face. He is the group squad leader.

"Yeah!" the two pretty girl said. Tyler looked at them and had a thought, "I hope we will be done with all this."

"Guys, I think I found something!" Edna tells them while the two came in haste. They surprisedly saw a box. "Is this the supply chief told us about?" She asked.

"Who knows it can be." Tyler said while he looked at the box, "Hmm I wonder what's inside?" He added.

"There's no time. We need to take it and leave. Suddenly, an alien came holding a box and they were shocked. The alien sees them and runs back.

"Hey don't let it get away!" Tyler said. And Winifred runs, stopped and tries to aim it and shot the leg and it fell on the ground.

"Nice one, Winnie." Edna said while she smiles.

"No I missed." She said while her head was down. Tyler runs to the alien and shot its head.

Back to group C: they were walking while Yuki looked at Jeremy, since surprisedly said something that was nice. "So, Jeremy is your name right? You must not recognized me. I saw you on the training field and I was "like woah, he's good" you may not know me because you were aiming the bullseye in a swift" He then chuckles and waited for him to reply back, but he didn't answered.

"He's not answering." Hilda whispered to him.

"Yeah I know" he replied back. "Umm Jeremy, I was about to ask you something. Why are you so quiet-" he said while Jeremy stopped all of a sudden. Yuki and Hilda were shocked and Jeremy turned back at him and Yuki had a thought, "Man, I shouldn't have asked him that."

"Because my throat is bad and is very chronic." Jeremy replied.

"Oh, you have met a doctor to help you." Yuki asked.

"Yes." Jeremy said and he coughs.

"I understand. The more you talk, the more it might damage your throat" Yuki asked him and Jeremy nodded his head and left.

"He seems to be very nice" Hilda said to Yuki while she left him, who was still standing. Yuki looked at them for a while and suddenly hears a noise like a falling object. He was startled and turned around upon hearing that noise, he saw a door opened halfway, he went inside and points his gun and walks slowly, he hears the noise again and turned in a haste and points the gun to it. To his surprised, he saw two men and they were afraid stretching their hands up. "What da" Yuki said. "Are you guys okay?" He asked them.

"They look fine" Hilda said and Yuki was shocked to see her in his presence and Jeremy.

"You guys!" He said.

"Relax, we haven't gone far and we hear a noise, so we saw that you weren't with us." Hilda said. "There's no need to be scared, we are the STARs and you two are safe." She tells to the two men.

"The STARs? But you are just a kid." The first man said.

Hilda was surprised and looked at the first man with narrowed eyes, "For your information, I'm not a kid stick that in your damn head, if not you two are dead" she said while her gun raise up.

"Okay ma!" The two men said together as the hold themselves.

"Not so bad, Hilda." Yuki said while Jeremy nodded his head.

"Now get your two feet up and let's get moving!" she ordered them.

"We can't go out there they are lots of aliens." The first man said.

"Yeah and there's nothing we can do." The second man said.

"Hey! There's no need to be scared." Yuki said. "But can I asked you two this question? Have you... play American football?" He asked while they were surprised same with Hilda and Jeremy. "I have played it, but it was a long time about" the first man said.

"Me too during my days at highschool" the second man said.

"Good, you know It's all about the offense and defense, when a player carries a ball he evades the defending team from the opposing team in other for him not to get tackled. Imagine this, the player is surrounded by the aliens trying to take this." As he brought out a box.

"Where did you get that?" Hilda asked.

"It's the valuable supply the chief talked about, the aliens are trying to take this, I don't know what is inside but our job is to avoid them so that the player wouldn't get tackled that is... to get eaten." After saying the last word, the two men were afraid as one gulps.

"This is called an "end run" the attempt to avoid a difficult situation. The player must keep running. So take care of this" he throws the box to the first man. "You are the offense, you are heading to the territory that is the way out. Don't confront them if you do, you will exhibit the fear, so are you ready to do it?" He said.

The two men looked at each others indicating if one will agree. So the first man stood up, "yeah, I'm tired of being scared."

"So we are ready." The second man said.

"And there's no need to bother yourself, we have our eagle eye. So there's more protection." Yuki said while his arm was behind Jeremy's neck.

"Oh... alright." The first man said.

"Now let's go." Yuki said.

"Yeah!" The two men yelled.

"Shh" Jeremy ordered them to be quiet to avoid the aliens from hearing them. They quickly make their moves while the first man carried the box and Jeremy saw an alien, he shot the it from a distance and the second man was shocked and said, "Man! I didn't see that coming, you are really supreme."

Back to group B; all the aliens died in their midst. "That's all for now." Walter said.

"Oh man, and I was having fun." Saito said.

"Save the fun later. We just have to finish this." Walter replied.

Dawn came while she carries a box and said, "guys I found this."

They two saw it and Walter touches the machine box and said, "Hmm it uses a key, only if I have one I can open it or make one."

"That wouldn't necessary. We'll have to take it to our headquarter." She replied.

"Fine." Walter said.

More aliens came up to them. They were numerous and Dawn was shocked, "th-they are so many" she said.

"They keep coming to us. What's their prob?" Saito said.

Walter was surprised and had a thought while he looked at the box, "they are after the box."

"Come on Walter. What's the plan." Dawn said.

"Defend the box. That's all." He said.

"Well that's not a plan, but okay." Saito said.

The aliens run towards them while they started to shoot. Saito ran towards them, jumped up and hits them with his gun. His attack surprised the two shooters, Saito dodge an incoming punch from them and shoot it in haste.

"Now this is fun." Saito said, attacking them in several directions. The remaining four groups fought the aliens, shooting them while running and attacking them by some showing off their moves.