Too Close

"Nadel, I am really sorry. They are good dogs; perhaps moving here stressed them out and they felt that they had to be territorial," Elsa explained.

"But they are nice to me," Chris interjected as soon as he joined the others.

Nadel raised her brow at Chris and said, "Good for you. Perhaps they smell their kind on you, that's why they thought you were one of them."

Chris smirked, enjoying the sarcasm of Nadel for she was right on point. Her temper is slowly running thin the more he provokes her and that's exactly what he needs.

Chris chuckled and exclaimed, "You are right! So you better be careful, we can smell trouble."

"Enough!" Elsa ordered and turned to Jai. "Jai, could you check on her? I need to check on my dog as well."

Jai nodded and quickly checked Nadel's scalp for any injury.

"You! Come with me…" Elsa did not wait for Chris to reply as she headed outside to see Nuri.

Chris gave Nadel one more glance and winked at her when he saw her glaring.

"Why did you do that Nuri? That is not nice. Come here and let me check your teeth and gums." Even though her dog did something bad, she trusts her dog and genuinely believes that there must be a reason for it.

"She's fine. No need to check her," Chris uttered while leaning against the wall.

"How did you know that? Did you check her?"

"Because I can–"

[Don't you dare tell her you can talk to us, young man,] Ciel firmly warns Chris, making him stop midway through his sentence.

"I can see that she is fine," Chris continued while scratching his head.

'Why didn't you tell me before? Why just now?' Chris complained to the old dog who just side-eyed him.

"You don't know that. Sometimes dogs become aggressive when they are sick, I should probably bring her to the vet tomorrow."

[Vet? NOOO! My Prince, please tell her I am ok.] Nuri begged Chris who smirked at her.

'So, I am your prince now huh? Yesterday you were growling at me.'

[It was only to protect my master. Nothing personal.] Nuri explained who started trembling.

'Alright, consider this a favor. I will ask back for one.'


"She is fine, Princess. I am a werewolf, remember? And I sense that there is nothing wrong with her. Stop worrying. She's just sensing the bad blood from your friend." Chris tried to convince Elsa while already thinking of the favor that she would ask from Nuri later.

"OK, fine. I don't see anything wrong with her anyway. Why don't you bring your stuff to your room while I go back to Nadel? And stay there until I call you for dinner. You are looking for a fight whenever you are with her."

Elsa walked back to the house while Chris obeyed Elsa's orders. 

"She's perfectly OK. No scratches or bruises." Jai immediately informed Elsa as soon as she entered the house.

"Oh thank God. Let's go to the kitchen and see what we can cook for dinner." Elsa said.

"Where is your fiance?" Nadel asked.

"He is unpacking his stuff."

"I think he hates me. I can feel it." Nadel pouted as she continued to walk towards the kitchen. Elsa didn't see it since she was in front but Jai did.

"He is just jealous at how close you and Elsa are. I also think that he is rude," Jai carelessly uttered, showing his disapproval of Chris. "Why did you agree to marry him, Elsa? Are you really in love with him?" 

'Shoot! What should I tell them? This is Chris' fault!' Elsa never likes lying to her friends but she already agreed to Chris' plan and there's no backing out now.

"I do… But I don't want to talk about it yet. I am still in the process of getting used to it." Elsa patted herself inwardly when Nadel and Jai did not ask for any further details regarding Chris or their upcoming wedding.

Everything went smoothly even during dinner. Chris behaved well and did not provoke Nadel anymore, which Elsa was thankful for, but his silence bothered Elsa a bit.

So when everyone went to their assigned guest rooms, Elsa decided to check on Chris. She found the door of his room wide open so she invited herself in. She was surprised to see Chris who was sitting on the edge of the bed and her dog Nuri in front of him as if they were talking to each other without speaking.

"I see you befriended Nuri. Did you also train her to attack Nadel?" Elsa jested.

"She did it on her own… Why are you walking in the lion's den, Princess? Didn't you know that what you are doing is dangerous?" 

Elsa rolled her eyes, not liking Chris' joke, "I just want to know if you're ok. You seemed a little off at dinner."

"Concern for me now, huh?" 

"It's only because I am a doctor. I took an oath to help sick people. So are you feeling fine?" Elsa asked.

Chris smiled, "Your sense of responsibility and empathy is amazing, Princess. And no, I don't feel good, but I will be fine. I heal fast."

Elsa got a bit worried and moved closer to Chris, "What's wrong? Tell me how you feel."

Chris touched his stomach to show where it was hurting, "Here… It must be the coff–"

Chris paused when Elsa suddenly kneeled in front of him and started examining his stomach.

'Fuck! Does she really have to kneel between my legs? She's killing me!' Chris thought inwardly which Yakobo heard.

[Haha! She's asking for it. Give it to her Christopher! Don't be dumb!]

Chris ignored his wolf. Ever since he met her, his wolf has gone crazy over Elsa. All he wants to do is mate with her, and the time and place doesn't matter.

"I-I think you are too close," Chris stuttered in his reply. He can feel himself starting to get hard and their position and location are not helping him at all.