[Bonus chapter] Someone’s Coming

"Aww," Elsa rubs her forehead after hitting Chris' muscular and firm back. "Why stop without warning? Your back is surely like a stone wall," she added.

"What did you just say? You were running in a forest and woke up in a cave?" Chris curiously asked.

"It was a weird dream but sometimes a nightmare that I keep on having every now and then," Elsa explained.

"Are you sure you are not hiding anything from me?" Chris asked with a frown.

"Why would I hide something from you when I am trying to find answers myself?"

"Are you sure you are born from this world and not from where I am?" Chris then tried to recall the lessons that he had in Arcanis about the skills and spells that mages can do and if there was anything that could explain if Hera and Elsa were the same or not. It is only now that he regrets not taking it seriously since he cannot remember anything at all.

"Of course I am sure. I have my baby pictures when my mom was in the hospital and I have a lot of pictures from when I was young."

"I'll ask you more about that later. Let's head to the shed first. We might not be able to catch up with Nadel if we keep on chatting here." Chris reached out for Elsa's hand and said, "Hold my hand, it's dark and you might trip. I can see everything even if it's dark."

Elsa did not object since she needed that. Tall trees are covering the moonlight and she can barely see anything.

Before they could reach the shed, they saw Nadel coming out of it, looking left and right. She was obviously being cautious and on the lookout if someone else was there. They quickly hide behind the nearest tree.

"You said it's a shed. It's a cabin!" Chris whispered while still holding Elsa's hand.

"I don't see a difference!" Elsa whispered back.

Nadel's phone rang on her way back to the house and quickly answered it. "It's gone. She must have planned it all along and removed everything. I'm going back."

After that phone call, Nadel swiftly went back to the house. Chris leads Elsa to the shed but Elsa halts on her steps.

"Why are we still going in there? Let's go back," she told Chris.

"Let's check if Nadel took anything and I want to see pictures of your mom to check if she is the same Hera that I am looking for, can I?" Chris said and Elsa nodded. He was surprised that she did not argue with him and walked to the shed.

Elsa went straight to the pile of boxes and started browsing through the photo albums in there. But after just a few seconds Chris heard her cursing.

"What's wrong?" He asked and saw Elsa frowning. 

"This is freaking weird and impossible! My mom is no longer in the pictures. How did that happen? I am sure that she's in these pictures." Elsa took out more photo albums and scanned them all.

Chris looked around. "What is that smell?"

"I don't smell anything… Have you experienced this before?" Elsa worriedly asks. 

"No, I haven't. I grew up in Arcanis, our kingdom. There are very few mages there, almost none. So I am not very familiar with magic. I'm sorry if I can't answer your question, Princess," Chris said while trying to find the source of the smell.

Elsa slumped on the floor feeling defeated, "Her pictures are the only way for me to see her again and now they're all gone." Elsa rubbed her temples as she tried hard to think how something like that could happen.

Chris opened a box and took out a dark gray fur cloak that looked familiar.

[My 'coming of age' fur!] Yakobo shrieks, feeling happy.

Elsa saw what Chris was holding and quickly took it from him. "Be careful with that. This is my mom's and she treasures this very much." Elsa then hugged and rubbed the fur onto her cheek.

[She likes my fur!] Yakobo exclaimed, feeling so delighted.

"That is mine… I covered Hera with that to keep her warm when I left her in the cave, by the bonfire, and with food on her side."

Elsa's eyes widened in shock. What he said was exactly what she saw in many of her dreams. "You gave–"

"Someone's coming, and definitely not someone I've met in your house. Quick, hide." Chris briskly wrapped his arm around Elsa's waist and swiftly brought her into the corner behind a bookcase and pile of large boxes.

In no time, someone entered the shed and walked around, looking for something.

Chris pulled Elsa closer, one of his arms around her waist hugging her while the other was covering her mouth. When the person walked near them, she stepped back pushing her back firmly against Chris' chest to make sure that the person would not see them.

They heard the person open some boxes in a hurry before moving to the next. 

Elsa can't help but notice that even though they are in that situation, she can feel Chris' friend down there getting hard as it pokes against her behind.

Chris closes his eyes as he tries hard to relax but he simply can't while Elsa and him are in a position like that.

The person is getting closer to where they are hiding, so Elsa moves another step back, further pushing her behind on Chris' already oh-so-hard manhood. She would rather bear their awkward position than get caught hiding. She would definitely save herself from a lot of explaining that way.

She then craned her head to completely hide herself in that small space resting her head on Chris' chest. Their proximity made her feel his warm breath hitting the lobe of her ear. She could feel his fast heartbeat making her look at Chris who smirked at her.

'This pervert is definitely enjoying our situation,' Elsa thought. 

When she heard the person get out of the shed, she quickly stepped away from Chris but his strong arms did not let her. Instead, he removed his hand from covering her mouth and embraced her with both arms from behind.

Chris then softly whispered in her ear, "Please be the person that I am looking for. I cannot bear to be married to another woman other than you."