His Naked Mate

Chris was delighted to see Elsa eat heartily and believed that she would swiftly regain her strength if she continued to eat in this manner. After Elsa finished her meal, he summoned the healer to provide her with herbal tonics that could aid in her recovery.

Elsa's expression soured upon tasting the bitter liquid. "What is this disgusting thing?" she exclaimed.

"It's a blend of various herbs and berries designed to expedite your recovery, my lady," the healer promptly explained.

It took Elsa a while to finish the bitter tonic, and she felt a strong urge to vomit afterward. The other healers and water mages arrived to check on her, as their King had instructed them to prioritize the health of the Prince of Arcanis and the lady accompanying him.

"How are you feeling, my lady? Do you feel any pain anywhere?" inquired one of the healers.