I Like It Rough

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Elsa exclaimed with a loud voice, prompting Chris to jolt upright in alarm and swiftly scan the room, trying to see the cause of her sudden outburst.

"What's going on? What did you see?" Chris inquired as he found nothing amiss in the room.

"You!" Elsa retorted with an expression contorted in anger.

"Me? What do you mean by that?" Chris asked, turning his gaze towards Elsa, who wore a disgruntled and furious look."

"You were kissing and touching me! Inappropriately!" she accused while glaring at Chris with narrowed lips and a creased forehead.

Chris was flabbergasted by Elsa's claim even if she was the one who initiated everything. "B-But you were kissing and touching me too," Chris said as he blinked multiple times waiting for her reply.

"It was not on purpose," Elsa replied and averted her gaze while crossing her arms.