In the Hallway

All her life, every move that she made was calculated based on her goals in life because she wanted order and clarity to be able to live without fear. But with Chris, she felt at ease and safe even if all he brought to her since the day they met was one surprise after the other and total chaos in her life. Still, she didn't mind, it was as if he was her anchor in the middle of a storm.

'I already lost everything, so why not go crazy with his insane ideas? For a change, maybe I should try to be more carefree this time. I have nothing to lose anymore anyway,' Elsa uttered inwardly and made her hands crawl up to his head. Her fingers brushed through his hair, weaving them together.

[She's into you, my prince…] Yakobo grinned.

'I know… So, don't bother us.' Chris said to his cheering wolf. He can feel Elsa's heart beating so fast, and it's beating for him alone.