Take It or Leave It

Chris's face twisted into a frown as he delicately clasped Elsa's hand. Constance, too, drew closer to investigate the situation. Her wrist bore a barely noticeable glow from an old scar, and this stirred up their curiosity for a brief moment before it reverted to its usual appearance.

"My lady, this strangely resembles a werewolf mark," Constance remarked, her gaze narrowing as she cast a doubtful look at Chris, who hastily raised his hands in a defensive gesture.

"I-I didn't mark her," he stammered, "Besides, in our tradition, we mark our mates on the neck or shoulder, not the wrist."

"But there's no denying it has the characteristics of a mating mark," Constance pondered aloud, "Except, you're right, it's in an unusual place, and who would dare mark the lady without her consent?"

Chris turned his concerned gaze back to Elsa and asked, "Are you feeling alright, princess?"