A Year Ago - Chris’ Story (8)

"I heard that elemental mages can make an untrained pigeon send a letter to a specific person and they can also enchant a boat to make it sail faster, is that true?"

"Yes, you are correct. An air mage and a water mage can definitely do that. May I know who are you planning to contact and where are you going?" King Allister inquisitively asked not only because of his curiosity but also for the safety of his kingdom.

"I am going to ask my friend to transport me to the other world and for me to do that, I need to go to Qiryn… If you'll excuse me, I have a letter to write," Chris confidently said before turning to Drake. "Prince Drake, I believe you will guide me to my chamber correct?"

Everyone including Prince Drake dropped their jaw at what they heard but quickly recovered from his astonishment and stood up to accompany the werewolf prince to his bed chamber.