Blueberry Sauce

"Let's not think about it, let's just enjoy our mating night. Let's get you cleaned up and let's eat. I can feel that you are hungry." Chris reached for the sponge, poured a generous amount of soap, and scrubbed it on Elsa's back.

After bathing, Chris intertwined his hand with Elsa and led her to the dining table where their food was prepared beforehand by Hoven. Their location was kept a secret and only trusted people knew where they were. "Come here," Chris mentioned after sitting on the dining chair. He pulled her gently to make her sit on her lap.

"There's so much food, Chris. We can't finish all of these," Elsa said looking at the table that looks like there's a feast.

"You and I have to eat a lot, for our energy," Chris then took a small piece of meat and offered it to Elsa, "Here have a taste."