Pleasure and Panic

'S-Stop! Are you kidding me, Chris? You really wanna do this right now? In the closet. With my family just outside!' Elsa said through the bond.

But Chris did stop and blew air into her ear. The hairs on the back of her neck and back rose up as it sent shivers down her spine. Chris' left hand lifted her skirt and traveled down between her legs while his right hand still kneading her breast. 

"Fuck!" she cursed as she threw her head back hitting Chris' shoulder.

"Shhh… Do not utter any sound, scream everything in our mind link, unless you want them to know we are hiding in here," Chris warned before softly biting Elsa's shoulder and sliding two of his fingers into her core making Elsa press her hands onto the wall.

'Slow down… Oh my God, Chris!' 

'Are you liking my fingers inside you, my Luna?'

'Are you seriously asking me that right now? We are hiding in a freaking closet!'