No Turning Back

Baahu remained quiet and continued eating his food. He always makes sure that Lexi is blocked from their bond to keep her safe. Even though he didn't want to leave her there, he knew that he had to in order to free her and the rest of Arcanis forever.

Even though a week had already passed since their first night together he won't be able to forget it as if it was just yesterday…

That night Queen Yvonne went to the Kurzen Kingdom with Prince Christopher to meet Princess Neia. Prince Christopher requested to see his sister in person to make sure that she was fine and was being treated the way a princess should be. 

The witch queen agreed without suspecting the plan that was laid by King Alaric to sneak out Baahu and Lexi to do the marking and complete the mate bond.

"Baahu… Follow me," Baahu heard King Alaric say after entering without knocking in the guest chamber that he was sharing with Kaizer and Dasher in Arcanis.