Beautiful Wife

Her emotions were off the roof. She was excited to mark her mate but scared at the same time especially when Baahu positioned himself in between her legs, ready to penetrate her.

"Wait!" Lexi exclaimed when his head down there touched her entrance. Baahu looked at her with confusion on his face, not understanding what she was trying to do.

"A-Are you sure it will fit me? I'm scared…" Lexi confessed even though she didn't want to admit it, but she still did. Better to inform him now instead of panicking later.

Baahu bent over to kiss her before hovering his body above hers with his left arm supporting his weight. "It will, but you know that it will hurt at first right?"

Lexi nodded and bit her lower lip, "Please, be gentle," she pleaded even though she knew in her heart that he will.

Baahu smirked and nodded before he held his shaft and brush it up and down her wet slit. "Rub yourself," he told her and slowly poked her wet entrance with his hardness.