Wake Up Soon

Drake and Elandir went back to the castle, and like before, Drake stayed quiet all throughout their journey until they were almost on the castle ground.

"Elandir, do you like my sister?" 

"Oh, God no! Why would you think that?" Elandir quickly retorted.

"I saw how close you are even though you only have known each other for months."

"Hera is likable, just like how Zemarians like and love her. I feel the same but I only see her as a friend. And even if I do like her romantically, I have no chance. Her heart belongs to someone else. Also, I will never marry a human. Unlike werewolves and vampires, there is no way for us to turn humans into elves, so I want to save myself from future heartache and misery."

"I understand. By the way, thank you for saving my sister back then. And please continue taking care of her."