A Coward

Drake entered the room where Arla was recuperating, only to find Rylie and Baahu already by her side. Concern showed on his face, he turned to Arla and inquired about her well-being.

"How are you feeling?" Drake inquired.

"I feel great! As good as new," Arla responded, a bright smile gracing her face. However, her excitement waned as she noticed Drake's somber expression.

Picking up on the shift in mood, Arla asked, "What's wrong?"

"I decided to talk to my brother," Drake replied to Arla before redirecting his attention to Baahu. "Gather everyone at the castle's entrance. I am certain my brother will storm back to Zemaria once I finish talking to him."

Without waiting for Baahu's response, Prince Drake swiftly made his way to Prince Andrius, who was engaged in conversation with Elandir. "I need to talk to you, brother."