Love Letter

When Lexi had a good cry while hugging Bendy, she wiped her tears and started reading the letter. She first read the one from Baahu, his first love letter to her.

Lexi had a good laugh at how Baahu tried to make her laugh with his not-funny joke but still, his attempt was successful. But what caught her attention was the last part.

" love, I will come and rescue you one day. Hang in there and can you please send me something from you through Bendy? I miss you so much and even just your scent from your shirt will help me ease this loneliness from missing you. Can you send one?"

Lexi laughed once more as she thought of something, 'I will send you something that's much better husband,' Lexi said inwardly, knowing that Baahu would be able to hear her thoughts. 

'Please open it away from other people,' she added.