Fun Things With The King


I am back, alive, and kicking! Thank you for patiently waiting for almost a month. I am now fully recovered from my operation and hopefully, I will be healthy from now on and no more major health issues moving forward. 

Thank you again, everyone!


'I think we should ask for help from other werewolves,' Lexi suggested.

'No! Don't do that. I don't want to alert others when we are not sure yet of my aunt's whereabouts. Wait for me there, I will ask Rylie and Kaizer to look after Rocco, let's search together,' Elsa said as she headed towards the room of Rylie and Kaizer.

She did not waste time as soon as she handed her son to Rylie and swiftly went to where Lexi was.

"I really think we should ask for help. The castle is big and what if she's not in the castle anymore. How the hell are we going to search for her?" Lexi quickly uttered upon seeing Elsa walking towards her.